Beauty that shine 34 DOM ORD B

Beauty that shine

The Good Shepherd did not fight Pilate, He did not fight the chief priests, He did not engage in a war with the soldiers, the Pharisees, the scribes, the elders of the people. The Good Shepherd does not wage war; if necessary He would live it up to his subjects, the endless armies of angels in His kingdom. The Good Shepherd has chosen to leave peacefully and unarmed from His kingdom to teach us the power of love and beauty.
The Good Shepherd faced Pilate with His beauty, with the grace of His movements, the harmony of His gaze. Pilate was shocked, amazed, surprised, moved and did not hide it. Pilate wanted to save not a king, not a prophet, Pilate, as a good secular military and political leader, wanted to save the beauty, he would do the same even in war, as beauty is always a good booty. Pilate was fascinated by the grace, by the authoritative calm of this man emanating an unknown beauty.
The Good Shepherd does not fight, He calls upon the heart of man to recognize the strength and greatness of love, conscious vision, forgiveness and peace. The Good Shepherd would like to show our shaky realms, our ego acting as judge and victim, our attachments, our knowledge, our mental illusions, that love is powerful, it works, it wins over everything and attracts with its beauty.
Nature is beautiful, the man and the woman are beautiful, the sky and the sun, the moon and the stars are beautiful. This is not by accident, is God and love. If we were not created and ruled by love, there would be no beauty around. The Good Shepherd deals with the hardness of the hearts of the elders of the people with the beauty of His action, He addresses the sectarian bias of the scribes and Pharisees with the beauty of truth and consistency and He faces the hatred of the leaders of the people with the beauty of His miracles. The Good Shepherd is King, King of a kingdom that is the Kingdom, the only kingdom that really exists and where love and beauty, the grace of life and peace of heart are air to breathe, food to eat, music to sing forever.