In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Friday 7 December 2018

First Week of Advent

Word for today
The Gospel of Matthew 9:27-31

May your mercy be in our desires

«Do you believe that I can do this?»«Yes, Lord,» they said to him.
How great is the power of desiring something! God cannot give us what we do not want or are unable to receive.
Being blind is not the only thing that is necessary for someone to desire being healed. First we must accept being blind, accept it in peace, without submitting to blindness, without resigning to blindness, without ever thinking badly of God, without thinking badly of his justice and love because of our blindness. If we think badly of God when we are in trouble, all the saddest emotions arise: anger, fear, resentment, along with the desire to disappear.
The Lord is ready to give us everything we need and desire, and even more than what we can imagine, if only we are ready to receive it in our hearts.
How could the Lord fill a cup with joy, if it is already full of discomfort?
How could the Lord fill a cup with harmony and health, if it is already full of division and resentment?
How could the Lord fill a cup with light, if it is already full of dark thoughts?
How could the Lord fill a cup with faith, if it is already full of thoughts against God?
To accept whatever happens to us with gratitude and in peace means emptying the cup.
But how can we learn to accept the present by emptying our cup of fear, guilt, anger, resentment and discomfort? It is impossibile if we use only the strength of our mind and heart. We must ask unceasingly: Son of David, have pity on us!, that is, literally, may your mercy be in us. May your mercy be in our heart, mind and desire, Lord.