In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Wednesday 1 January 2020

Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God

Word of the Day
The Gospel of Luke 2:16-21

The Queen of Meditation

Mary's internal dialogue is not made up of metal elaborations or requests, calculations, or development expectations; it is not constructed of opinions or interpretations, of psychic trips concerned with judgments or with coming to conclusions based on her own or others' convictions. Mary lives and meditates, mediates and lives.
Mary's peace, passion, interior strength, intimate beauty and purity are determined by her internal dialogue and by her capacity to shelter in her heart the events of her life not through a thought process but through a meditative experience.
The Bible text says: And Mary kept all these things, reflecting on them in her heart, literally “comparing then,” the translation of the Greek verb, symbàllo. The word in this case does not express the usual meaning of symbàllo, which is “I consider, think, compare, reflect, meditate, agree.”  Here the verb indicates, in realty, the opposite meaning with respect to thinking or to human devising.  Symbàllein is making an agreement in the name of unity, forging a friendship, reuniting, helping others to come to an agreement, going together, meeting together. It is a verb of agreement, of collaboration, of composing, of meeting, of assembling.
What then is the difference between thinking and meditating?
To think is to divide, to meditate is to unite. It is through the thinking process that the events of life are separated, interpreted, judged, analyzed, filtered with regard to their advantages and disadvantages. Thinking is based on an analytical, associative, separative mental process, one that never provides a complete, comparative, holistic vision of reality.
Through meditation the events of life are united, accepted even if not understood, viewed in a comparative way in their complexity and magnitude, gathered within oneself with gratitude and humility in the attempt to discover the connection leading to union and peace. Meditation is born out of a spiritual process of comparative, perceptive love straining towards unity and never out of a conflictual, destructive vision straining to separate and to judge. 
One can think for a lifetime without love, faith or gratitude, but one cannot meditate for a single second without love, faith, and gratitude. Thinking is diabolic and separates. Meditating belongs to Mary who lovingly unites.