In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Wednesday 27 January 2021

Third Week in Ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Mark 3:31-35


What is a connection, a real connection?   According to Jesus a real connection is not determined by blood, kinship, emotion, affection or a family relationship. A person living in Scandinavia who works and lives doing the will of our heavenly Father (either because he knows the word of Jesus and the Father's will or simply because he follows his heart's dictates) has a stronger bond with a person living in India who consciously or not works and lives according to our Heavenly Father's will than he does with his own brother, or relative if they do not share, in their heart, the same movement of the heart and actions in harmony with God’s will.  According to Jesus, a true relationship is a bond created by a resonance, a resonance of loving actions in accordance with God’s will. The bond that is created between two people when they come into resonance by acting according to God’s will is, according to Jesus' word, the only possible bond on earth, the only one that can be referred to as a real relationship. According to Gospel procedures, any bond that does not rely on the resonance of actions undertaken in the name our heavenly Father’s love and from listening to the Word of Jesus cannot be considered a meaningful or strong connection. Even the bonds that we consider and formalize as the most sacred and untouchable are the result of resonances: genetic resonances, emotional resonances, family resonances, yet reality and experience teach us that they have no binding force to withstand the pressures and the attacks of financial interests, ambitions, possessions, ideologies and success. Their resonance is weak and thus also their cohesive force. 
Listening with your heart overwhelmed and moved by Jesus' word and trying with all your strength to make choices and to act with love according to our Heavenly Father’s will generates a divine resonance of the most intimate, powerful, and resilient bond that can be experienced on earth. In this sense it is more certain that we are building extraordinary, beautiful bonds with men and women we have never met and a wonder of divine perspectives.