In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Saturday 25 February 2023

Saturday after Ash Wednesday

Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 5:27-32

Food for the soul

The metànoia, the inner change towards the light and love that Jesus presents to us, inevitably brings with it joy, great joy, joy to share and to eat together, because joy is real food of the soul.
The unhappy and the dissatisfied eat resentment, gossip and judgments, they incessantly chew on laws and precepts, morals and obligations. According to what law and what constitution is Jesus, the Son of God, forbidden to eat and to enjoy a dinner of love with Levi and his friends? Is it that God cannot sit at table with His children and eat in peace without necessarily distinguishing between the righteous and the sinners? And who are the righteous, who are the sinners, according to what criteria? The fact is the Lord of life has come to visit us in peace and humility to show us, with love, the procedures for life. Is it possible that this fact offers us the false prerogative to tell Him how to behave, how to judge, and how to live among His children?  Stupidity has radically extended its reign by the prejudice according to which God thinks exactly like us in how he judges people, things, and all matters of life How poisoned by prejudice, discontent and envy must intelligence be as to preclude God from fully enjoying the rebirth of His son to real life? What sacrosanct foolishness and frigid meanness has established, for man, the impossibility to be joyful, when in reality, in God’s mercy he feels he can be reborn from his mistakes and lack of love?
In life, one can chew on anger and poison and wildly overindulge at the table of Satan’s arrogance or one can cheerfully eat with gratitude, joy, and humility sitting at the table of Jesus’ forgiveness.