Interested and involved

Interested and involved

In the days of His return Jerusalem will be interested, involved, even if two thousand years ago, when He first came, it wasn’t interested or involved at all in His person or His message.
In the days of His return every city on earth, without exception, will be interested and involved, even the ones which built cultures, schools, hospitals, medicine, temples, religions, courts, laws, empires, roads, economy, churches, science, politic and communication systems which were never interested in Him or involved with Him. In the days of His return the entire mankind will be interested and involved, even if it never got interested or involved in His proposal or with His loving presence, in the humble and loving way He wished it, for the wellbeing of the mankind itself. In the days of His return sun, moon, stars, and all the oceans will be interested and involved, but for them it will be a surprise. Sun, moon, stars, oceans and the entire creation have always been perfectly and harmoniously interested in Him and involved with Him, and they’ve never moved a single atom without obeying to His commandments and His Word. In the days of His return sun, moon, stars, all the powers of the universe, the entire solar system, the earth and all the oceans will be interested and involved. They will be so involved to be eventually shaken, because they will be used to clarify some of the truths to the mankind’s heart and mind.  In the days of His return the universe’s powers will be shaken, in a way that the human mind cannot even imagine now. Every man, like it or not, will be interested and involved in those cosmic events, and they will also be given the chance to understand in advance what will happen, indeed they will see Him coming through the sky, powerful, shoking, magnificent, inevitable, and they won’t be able to do anything, absolutely anything. Every man, even if he’s never been interest in Him, and has never be involved with Him, will be so interested and involved in those cosmic events, that seeing what’s happening he could just die of fright, anxiety, terror. In the days of His return an enormous cloud will interest part of the solar system and the mankind will see the Son of the Man, Jesus God, the Lord of the Universe, coming in that cloud with great power and glory. In the days of His return the one who will have tried, even with all of his limitations, to avoid using violence and revenge as a solution to his problems, that one will be able to stand up and lift his head, because his redemption will be at hand. In the days of His return the ones who will have used violence and revenge as solution to problems, in a short time and all in once, will have to deal with sword, prison, with being literally stepped on by who doesn’t believe in God, with calamity and furious rage, because those will be days of revenge. But not God’s revenge, God doesn’t need it. Those will be the days of revenge in the sense that in those days whoever used violence and revenge as solution to problems will be dealing with the violence and revenge of the cosmic powers and of men serving evil. In the days of His return mountains and countryside will be safer that cities. But there will be no any safe place if people’s heart will not seek refuge in God, in His mercy (Beatitudes, Matthew 5,3). Not even caves and bunkers built by wealthy people will offer shelter and safety. Revelation 6: 12-17, reveals with clarity what will happen in the days of His return. Literally it says: the sun became black like a bag of hair, and the moon became like blood and the stars on the sky fell onto the earth like a figtree throws down unripe figs when shaken by a strong wind. The sky curled up as a book which wrinkles and all the mountains and the islands were ripped away. Kings and tycoons and captains and the wealthy and powerful on earth, as well as every slave and free man, hid themselves in bunkers and among the mountains’ rock and were saying to rocks and mountains: fall upon us and hide us from the eyes of the One who sit on the throne, and from the rage of the Lamb, because the day has come, the great one of His rage, and who will endure it?
In the days of His return the world will not end, but this way of living in this world would, this way of living our life without being lovingly interested in Him, and by Him completely involved and enlightened.