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Sabato 11 Maggio 2024

Sixth Week of Easter

Word for today
The Gospel of John 16:23b-28

We ask to whom we love

The power often unknown of prayer lies in the fact that praying is not only asking, begging, but most of all, loving, and even before, it is choosing, choosing every time more and better. One prays who he has chosen as God and Lord. We choose who to love. We learn to love who we pray. Every prayer is a choice, every time one prays, he chooses more and more deeply and more tenderly. Prayer is effective and powerful in realizing the heart’s desires, but it also has a great power across every man’s dimension, because it immerses even more deeply in a choice, a love’s choice, every time more wide and involving. Each time we pray the Name of the One we pray, more space is created in our heart, intelligence, spirit, veins, nervous system and molecules. Prayer can make the impossible possible, because it decants energies and desires and generates resonance. While praying, God’s desires enter in man and man’s desires enter in God, creating such a powerful resonance that everything becomes possible, beyond any law and dimension. What are man’s desires? Man’s desires are countless and related to his circumstances, to his inner wisdom, to the width of his faith, to his inner eye. What are God’s desires? God’s desire is unique and all encompassing, it is most simple and amazing: Ask and you will receive, so that your joy may be complete, literally: ask and you will receive so that your joy will be accomplished. Joy is God’s desire for us. God the Father, God the Son, God the Paraclete wishes us joy and happiness. Every time we pray, even if we do not know, and even if we are asking for all sort of things according to our needs, prayer immerses us even more deeply in God’s desire, joy. Joy is the world in which He wants His children to live for ever and ever.
Every time we pray Jesus’ Name, we choose more and better to be happy and in God’s joy.