He is the Only One 12VEN ORD 2

He is the Only One 

Who amongst men can say to a leper: I want you to be clean, and, at the same time, have the power to make the leper disappear completely? Who amongst man can make his will instantly coincide with its realization, at such a level? No doctor in the world, no scientist, powerful man, or intellectual could tell to a leper: I want you to be clean, and see the leper disappearing instantly. Nobody in the world can do it. Many holy and enlightened men, with a sincere and pure heart, desired to donate salvation and integral healing to humanity, but nobody was able to either save humanity from its evil or heal it from its sickness. An even greater number of men, not at all sincere and in love with humanity, continuously promise humanity things they cannot provide, simply because they do not have any intention to do it. How many promises of salvation and wellbeing man has made to other men, without being able to keep them? Rather, how many powerful men live only to proclame loudly their goodwill in favour of people and nations, without being able to realize anything for man’s true wellbeing? Which human empire, kingdom, power, religion have not promised any kind of good and happiness to humanity, making it the very heart of their organization and the lever of their supremacy? Which human empire, kingdom, power, religion was then able to realize and fulfil what promised with such emphasis and vehemence? In its sound and essence, Jesus’ answer to the leper, I want, has got something amazing, bright, completely new, absolutely peaceful, relaxing, beneficial, reassuring. Jesus is the only one who can say I want, not only because He is the only one who can immediately realize His will, but mostly because He is the only one who really and truly desires the purification, liberation, healing, salvation and bright evolution of humanity.  
When humanity will be aware that no government, no institution, empire, religion, economical, political, cultural, ideological human system is really interested in man’s integral salvation and healing, it will make a giant evolutionary leap and start understanding that there is only one name in which man can find true and integral salvation and healing, there is only one loving being interested in man’s true and utter salvation and healing: Yeshua, the one who heal and save, He is the One, The Only One.