Making one's name known 26 SAB ORD 2

Making one's name known

If you want to learn to love your brother and those you live with, accepting who they are, never forcing them to change, you are writing your name in the book of the eternal heaven. If you think that love is possessing people, trying to change them, and taking advantage of every occasion to force them to change because you want them to be different, you are writing your name in the book of the eternal abyss. If you always force yourself to forgive because of your decision to love in any case and not because of chance or circumstances, you are writing your name in the book of the eternal heaven. If you choose to judge your brothers and to have no compassion for them, if you choose to follow human law to condemn them and to take revenge for the wounds and the offenses received, moving energy of anger, revenge and animosity, you are writing your name in the book of the eternal abyss. If you try to be deeply grateful to life and to see God's beloved hand which accompanies you with unspeakable sweetness even throughout your difficulties, unexpected painful events, and during times of persecution, you are writing your name in the book of the eternal heaven. If your thoughts are glacial and unthankful towards life and judge God, His justice and faithfulness, blaming Him for your troubles and for your sufferings, you are writing your name in the eternal abyss. If you wish to become filled with God's wisdom and knowledge in accordance with His teaching, and you make your life an instrument so that humanity can live in well-being, health, in peace, and you wish to achieve all of this through humility and intellectual coherence, respect of life, mildness and gratitude of the heart, you are writing your name in the book of the eternal heaven. If you wish to achieve well-being, happiness, peace only for yourself, if you wish to be greater than others, to become powerful and wise by following those who enslave and oppress, to live your life only for your own benefits, to attain glory, a name, success, prestige, you are writing your name in the book of the eternal abyss. Every choice of your heart, of your intelligence, and of your soul on this earth will write your name either in the book of the eternal heaven or in that of the eternal abyss; practically every choice on this earth will make a name for you either in the eternal heaven or the eternal abyss. When, after you have passed the bridge of death, you will enter eternal life, the life without end, you will enter the place where you have made your name known and recognized. Wherever you have written your name and have made your name known, be it either in the Father's heavenly home or in the pool of fire prepared by Satan and his servants, you will be recognized and will live forever.