The acquarium 18 DOM ORD B

The acquarium

Ignorance, laziness, stupidity, laws, education, training, deception, fear, everything is irresistibly useful in the construction of the aquarium.
The aquarium is a cage, but a transparent one, so the deception is subtle, invisible, fascinating. We are born in an aquarium, in a transparent cage made of opinions and habits, protected by possession and fear, stimulated only by the other people's expectations, hopelessly bound and chained to what has always been said and done.
Everything we need to survive is in the aquarium, but nothing is free. Everything that is needed is distributed and measured and has a price. The space is rationed. Everything, from culture to entertainment, must be part of an economic and industrial process in which water is paid for, the air is polluted, the food is packaged and most contains genetically modified crops.
At birth we enter school and are taught, through fear and in an judgmental way, how to live in the aquarium. Nothing is taught about play and love. Love is not taught anywhere in the aquarium. The subjects taught are the aquarium’s geography, the history of wars and the birth and destruction of empires. The average gross annual product of the aquarium’s regions, how the aquarium has been populated over the course of time, how violent, arrogant races  abused and destroyed other wiser less violent races are taught just as science, mathematics, the aquarium’s measurements, its origin, its destination. The schools teach the doctrine of the aquarium’s leaders and how to think in a rigorously non-autonomous way.  Philosophies, ideologies, religious beliefs and their moral and ritual networks are passed down from generation to generation. Mythology and astrology are also studied together with how to live in the aquarium and specifically how to eat, relate,  behave,  believe, who to believe, how to believe, how to move, how to travel and what transport to use. This training is further reinforced via economic laws and business needs, is solidified via moral programming, is transmitted through traditions and popular entertainment and even rules concerning etiquette. The aquarium’s oddity is that nobody realizes that it is transparent, yet a prison, a cage where humanity is enslaved and lives joylessly and unhappily.
No one realizes that the aquarium is in the middle of the ocean. It is a transparent box whose walls are literally suspended in the ocean where billions of people who have not the slightest perception of the ocean, the unity of life, the boundless beauty of each individual live out their lifetimes.  Entrapped in the aquarium’s obliged roads, unquestionable opinions, apparent truths, and the custom of absolute stupidity, humanity knows nothing but the aquarium. Medicine, culture, science, entertainment, architecture are all tailored to the aquarium and based on established protocols just as unquestionable as apparently democratic.
People hear about the ocean in fairy tales, but its real presence is hidden from everyone from the time they are born for the sake of national security, the established order,  the common good. Indeed, it is jealously concealed from man since childhood.
The real ocean just beyond the glass comes to be known as a deception and described in horrible terms as a non-existent, visionary place from which no one returns.  It is a place of death and temptation, a place without opportunities and beauty.
Only the mad and the outcast seem to think about the acquarium. But in some cases it is a motive of faith and hope after death, it is a divine realm, the place of eternal rest, eternal joy and peace, the subject of religion, not of sound realism.
Every so often in the aquarium’s history, someone is born who demonstrates a keen sense of the ocean, a natural tendency not to accept the deceit of those transparent walls that keeps humanity unaware of the extraordinary beauty of life in the ocean. Every so often someone comes and tells about the possibility of life outside of the aquarium, inviting humanity to at least take the possibility into consideration.
They are called prophets and the people come running at the sound of their voices; their hearts are warmed by the fire of beautiful, ancient truths that inspire longing and desires, but as the aquarium’s control system realizes that the people have become aware of the prophet, steps are immediately taken. Immediate action is taken for the good of all, to protect people from themselves. They tarnish the prophet’s reputation and insult his word, they make him out into an infamous, criminal individual until he is considered by the people as a dangerous and crazy visionary rebel with destructive potential. Then the prophet is systematically abused and killed.
Afterwards the political, educational system strives to intensify its efforts to frighten the residents of the aquarium to minimize any risk or temptation that someone might ponder over the fact that the aquarium is not the ocean, is not life. Gradually everything returns to normal and under control for a while.
The Lord of the oceans is deeply in love with the people of the aquarium; they all are His children, brainwashed and deceived by Evil, but loved, created, desired and generated each and every one. They all are His children in His own image and all immortal. But what can He do to explain to His children that the aquarium is just an aquarium and not the real ocean of life where it is possible to live an extraordinary and beautiful life? The Lord of the oceans sends His Son to the aquarium. He knows about the high risk involved, He will certainly be treated worse than the other prophets sent to open the people's eyes about the aquarium, but the Lord of the oceans asked His Son to take that risk. The Son comes to live in the aquarium for about thirty years, and with infinite patience and love shows us how looking beyond the aquarium’s laws we can love and be loved, He shows us how we can cure all disease, repel every evil, He shows us how with faith in Him we can move mountains and stop being afraid forever. He shows us how through the power of His Word, we can finally experience the grace and beauty of our individuality, our gifts and wealth, and not run the race to meet the expectations and anxieties of others.
Jesus, the Son, without  judging or blaming anyone, shows and gives us  this knowledge; He shows us how we, our heart, limbs, intelligence, and life itself have become withered.
Only Jesus can show us the way, the truth, and the life to leave the aquarium and return to the splendor and freedom of the life in the ocean, the real life of the true children of God. Jesus is the One God the Father has placed His seal on, the person He gave the mandate and power to free us from within and to teach us to swim away from the invisible cage of the aquarium to the free and endless waves of the ocean.
The trainers, the leaders of the aquarium, ask Jesus proof, a sign that would convince them to believe in Him.  This is a mockery so obvious that it is even ridiculous. Could the aquarium’s leaders ever have any interest in believing in Jesus or to convince others to believe in Him? And which out of the aquarium’s leaders and trainers could benefit from a Jesus who wants to break the dark but transparent walls of the aquarium to show His beloved children the freedom and beauty of life?
The trainers need a sign to be sure of Jesus, to be sure He really is the One He claims to be. They want a sign, but only because they are well aware of how detrimental Jesus is to the system and the organization of the aquarium. They want to know if He is the One, not to believe in Him, but to eliminate Him.
Fearless and from within the aquarium itself, Jesus explains the true life of the ocean, how people can live with overflowing happiness. He tells us about the laws of the ocean, the Beatitudes, and He reveals the ocean's  eternity, the countenance of the Father and of the Spirit of the ocean. Jesus even talks about a new bread,  Himself, a bread that will be the new food for parents, politicians, priests, teachers, doctors, lawyers, scientists who will no longer, even when in good faith, be aquarium trainers but beautiful, humble guides pleasantly obedient to a single Teacher walking towards God's ocean.