Bridge 14 LUN ORD 2


Thomas, the disciple who doubts about Jesus' resurrection, claims that he will believe in it without probing the nail prints in Jesus' hands and putting his fingers into His side. In Thomas' view, touching means being in the condition to believe. For the woman afflicted with a hemorrhage, touching is already believing. Thomas believes after thinking ill of Jesus and doubting of his mates, and he believes only because Jesus lets him see and touch Him.  According to the woman who touches the cloak, to believe means to keep her thoughts perfectly clear, without doubts, suspicions or interferences. Having faith in God is possible only and only if the mind does not think bad of God, does not condemn Him. Jesus, in Mark 5:36, perfectly expresses the concept according to which a pure mind is the very root of faith: Fear is useless. What is needed is trust.  For the woman of the cloak, believing means noticing in Jesus something no one was able to see, even if all were looking at Jesus in that moment, it means touching something of Jesus which no one was touching, even if all hemmed him. To the woman of the cloak, she did not need to meet Jesus' light by looking at His eyes in order to be cured, nor to receive the power of His Word, nor a merciful gesture; to that woman the cloak is enough, the cloak is all she needs to be healed and get well. That cloak is a bridge between her and God, between her and  God's mercy and compassion.
How many, in that very moment, were touching Jesus' cloak in that large crowd? But no one used it as a bridge towards God. The crowd was hemming Jesus, yet no one was really touching Him, no one was really touching His healing and saving power, no one, but the woman received God's vibration, His healing energy. How many hands touched that clothing? Certainly the disciples did many times, as well the crowds in the streets, friends  and enemies at dinners, the priests of the temple during the trial, the soldiers during the flagellation and crucifixion, yet only that woman had such powerful a faith as to use that cloak as a bridge, a bridge between man and God, to receive God's power. 
True faith can see, always and everywhere, where God moves and He leads us, by means of cloaks and bridges, to meet His healing and saving power.