Darkness 7 GEN 2


What would a tiger do if it lost its instictive-animal awareness of what it is? What would happen to a tree if it lost the vegetal awareness of the species to which it belongs and its characteristcs? If the wolf lost its instictive awareness and started behaving like a butterfly, and the duck started behaving like a squirrel, what would happen? And if the rock started to behave as it were air and if the snow were incandescent as lava? If any of the life's elements, from the tiniest particle to the largest galaxy, lost its existential "awareness" of what it is, what would be left of life and the universe? Nothing, nothing would remain. No element in the cosmos can betray its own essence, its own order, its own task. Only man has that possibility. Man is free to grow in his awareness towards a bright and shining evolution, or he can betray his awareness and therefore his essence and his task and can walk towards his extinction. The Gospel text says: the people who sit in darkness have seen a great light, on those dwelling in a land overshadowed by death light has arisen, literally the people sitting in the darkness saw a great light, and to those sitting in the region and shadow of death, light arose for them. This is the darkness in which humanity lies crouched over, caged in, enslaved, chained, this is death's region that humanity inhabits, it is the darkness of non-awareness and of  non-knowledge of what exists. Jesus offers Himself as the great light, the light which arose to fight this oppressing and destructive darkness and to bring man back to the awareness of who he is in his essence and in God's plan. 
It could seem paradoxical but Jesus did not come to earth to make us believe in Him but fundamentally because by believing in Him we could regain awareness of who we really are: children of God, children of love and light. If believing in Jesus does not take us out of the burrow of unawareness, out of the shadow of ignorance and death in which we have fallen, it is  a useless faith. Jesus is the great light who has the power to enlighten man and make us come to terms with ourselves, to make man return to himself and to the bright awareness of who he is face to face with himself and with God. Man's essence is not ignorance, envy, ambition, conflict, corruption, slavery, misery, violence, death. Man lives off these poisonous energies only because he has been deceived, he has been trained to do that and he is not aware of who he is before God and life. Evangelizing means enlightening humanity with Jesus' words because by believing and loving him it can reach a higher awareness of itself. If faith in God does not increase faith in mankind, it is useless. If knowing God does not lead to a better understanding of mankind and of its beauty and wealth, it is useless. If love for God does not increase humanity's love for themselves and for all of life, it is useless, it is satanically useless.