Do this and you will live 27 LUN ORD 1

Do this and you will live

It was a devastating, mortal, incredible error committed by humanity. That error perpetrated throughout the centuries is the real, only, appalling source, cause and origin of all of our problems and diseases, wars and desperation, injustices and misery. No other error has had such serious, dangerous consequences. In all of man's humanity nothing has caused so much slavery, sickness, mental illness, homicides, and massacres as not being aware of that error and remaining in that error. The error is considering loving or not loving God a question of religious confession and considering loving or not loving our neighbor a question of moral behaviour.
The Hebrew text says literally: Love the Lord God with all of your mind-heart-internal part, with all your corporated soul and all the best of yourself. Love your neighbor as yourself. Jesus does not say: do this and you will be good, just, holy, saintly acording to the tradition of your religion, a morally correct man of God. Jesus says: Do this and you will live. According to Jesus, loving God and one's neighbor is not on a religious or moral plane but on the plane of survival. Do this and you will live, Jesus says. The alternative to loving God and ones' neighbor is not refusing to love God and refusing to love one's neighbor, it is not refusing to belong to a religious context or to a moral constitution. The alternative is dying, dying in every sense and in all immaginable possible dimensions. To love is to live and not to die. Loving to live comes even before living to love because if man does not understand that to live it is indispensable to learn to love, he/she will not have life and the time to learn to love. Not loving God is not avoiding spirituality, not loving ones' neighbor is not denying morality but it is corroding survival itself, attacking life, your life, any life. It is the death of the mind, the intelligence, the emotions, of DNA through illnesses, disaccord, hunger, thirst, fear, slavery, injustices, obscurities. That is the principle to which everything that lives is suspended. If you Love the Lord God with all of your mind-heart-internal part, with all your corporated soul and all the best of yourself and if you love your neighbor as yourself you  will live. If you do not love you will die. Clear, not open to interpretation, unequivocal. Life or death, health or sickness, hunger or wellbeing, war or peace is being played out in our soul if the choice to love or not to love daily and not because of religious traditions or membership to moral systems. Jesus says: do this and you will live and it is not a threat, it is a functional procedure, an instruction manual, the first principle of every enlightenment and knowledge. Do this and you will live is a splendid piece of news, it is Jesus' splendid news. It is the most joyous announcement ever given and leads us to true happiness. That is why all of Jesus' message is enclosed in a text called the gospel, from euanghèlion, a Greek work that means good news. Do this and you will live is the beginning, the end, the gospel and Jesus. It is everything, it is always for always.