Everywhere 20 SAB ORD 1


It has risen step by step becoming the chairs of religions and of the world's spiritual leaders. It is cultivated more than wheat, it is honored more than the Messiah. Over the millennia it has filled with colors and patterns thousands of square miles of walls, ceilings, corridors, aisles and naves. It is dressed in purple and gold, precious pearls and wealth. It is in the purpose behind each action, in hold your breath admiration. It is in the law, constitutions, people's eyes. It is in clothes fluttering in the wind, and between one banknote and another like a millimetric, colossal wave. It feeds on complacency that is offered and received;  it prefers comfortable chairs, but only if they are also the first ones in order of importance. It twists and turns everywhere, it has affiliations everywhere, it knows no boundaries or fences, it uses everything and anything to expand its empire and domination.
Ambition has no enemies on earth. Ambition controls anything and everything, every link and bond, business, project and commitment.
It is ambition that creates spiritual confusion and throws intelligence into the shadows, into such a deep confusion that it overturns the balance of life and alters the perception of everything.
Ambition has subverted everything to the extent that Jesus is forced to remind us to be cautious; in God's world there are other ways and truths:
Whoever exalts himself will be humbled; but whoever humbles himself will be exalted. It would be scandalously wasteful to spend one's entire life within the coils of ambition only to discover that, before God, it is less than nothing and totally useless for our personal growth and human evolution.
Humility and living to glorify God is the only antidote.