Happy water 2 DOM ORD C

Happy water

Fill yourself to the brim with clean water, beautiful thoughts, sure faith, peaceful inner dialogue. What you feed your deepest soul will, little by little,  turn into you, in your outward attitude. It will flow in your veins, it will beat in your heart, it will make your hands move. What you feed your deepest soul will transform your body, the features of your face, the light in your eyes. Fill your deepest soul with clean water, thoughts of abandoning yourself in God, total trust even in existentially foggy moments. Fill the jars of your deepest soul with peaceful thoughts, even when you do not understand everything and it is not all clear to you, fill them always with peace and faith, serene certainty that God is with you and that He always cares about your life. Even in the face of mountains of problems, fill the jars of your soul with the pure water of full and certain faith in Jesus, He can do everything, He sees everything, He takes care everything.
Fill your soul with pure water, and Jesus, at the suggestion of the Blessed Mother, will transform it into deep joy, into the wine of gladness. But do not remain idle, without inner nourishment, do not be indolent. If there is fog, and you are afraid, if nothing is going well and you do not know what to do, slow down, pray, but do not stop, the world will overwhelm you just as it would if ou were driving on a highway and you stopped because of the fog. Go slowly if you find it difficult, but live, breath, walk, work, pray, do not give in to laziness and idleness, do not make excuses or you are lost. Work, pray and you will never become sad.
If your emotions are weak and tend towards sadness, it means that the jars of your soul have often been filled with the thoughts of putrid water of anger or resentment.
If you are not happy, if you are not well balanced and in physical harmony, somewhere, perhaps in some hidden corner, there is anger, deep anger.
There is no physical and spiritual wound in the world that does not find its most fertile soil in rage. Anger does not mean evil, but it is in any case an emotion that ruins and destroys everything.
If we  refrain from any kind of justification, if we come to humbly recognize that the source of all interior and exterior illness is anger, salvation is beginning to be born in us. Anger toward ourselves, anger provoked by others, anger against God, secret anger, old or new anger and resentment, all of life's suffering springs from this state of mind and heart.
Disappointment, annoyance, frustration, distrust, anger, indignation, hatred, resentment, distress, hostility, animosity: it is all anger.  Envy, sense of superiority, competition and wanting to win at all costs, presumption are all, again, anger.
Idleness, laziness, self-doubt, self-denial is anger. Anger is not to be confused with evil: they are not the same thing.  You can live  with anger for a long time without becoming bad, but the process is nevertheless inevitable if we do not let go of anger and remove it from our hearts.
Anger comes from the sense of injustice we feel when we are wounded and from the sense of personal inadequacy for the wounds that we ourselves have caused others. This sense of injustice leads then to a sense of abandonment, which is the most usual and daily form of anger.
Any form of injustice makes us feel abandoned especially by God, although we do not realize it. That is why, anger against God is frequently present in our hearts, although it is unconscious.
It is the sense of abandonment that is at the basis of any reaction of inner anger, and it can become a habitual state of the soul, even if we are not deeply aware of it. Jesus reveals a immense secret so that we can overcome the anger that suffocates all joy and peace of heart.
If there is no wine of joy, of health, of serenity in our lives, it means that we are filling the jars of our soul with water poisoned with anger which comes from a sense of injustice and the consequent sense of being abandoned.
If we want to transform our lives into the good wine of the feast, we do not need to strive in order to make our life beautiful and easy, as it is not always possible, rather we should never fill the jars of our deepest soul with the putrid water of negativity, with blasphemies against life and others, with hatred towards ourselves.
God, if you ask - and the Blessed Mother is a powerful aid to help with you with your request - can turn the putrid water of your wickedness, sins, mistakes, limits and betrayals  but not your idelness, inertia or anger into the good wine of joy. And what dissolves anger is faith, true faith, the faith that opposes with total and resolute strength every sense of injustice or of being abandoned.
When Jesus met people, He could heal every disease if it was asked of Him by a heart which, despite being injured, was humble, full of faith, pacified by faith, but he could not even graze the anger of the leaders of the people, the priests of the temple, the scribes who were arrogant, full of themselves, paradoxically the most religious of all, but also dumb and deceived by anger.