Inertia 22 VEN ORD 2


God’s works are all in the present. God acts and works solely in the present. God’s news are all in the present, God’s revelations are all in the present tense. God always talks with His people in the present. The Paraclete Spirit gives voice and words to Its prophets, presents new options to the intelligence, predisposes people's hearts to love, always in the present. Jesus inspires changes, infuses knowledge, reveals His wisdom, proposes His innovative first fruits always, always and solely in the present. Love does not take place in the past or in the future but only and solely in the present.
Jesus speaks, works, heals always in the present. When Jesus met the hungry, needy, ill and oppressed, He never answered with words of hope which projects people’s hearts and minds towards the future. Jesus has always intervened speaking in the present tense, in the right now. The word hope, in Greek elpìs, is absolutely not part of Jesus’ vocabulary, it is not used in the Gospel at all, not once. God is in the present and man can only and solely live in the present. That which obeys the past self-excludes itself from any possible encounter with God’s and His Spirit’s news. God cannot communicate and reveal His wisdom to people firmly attached to their past habits, customs, conventions and beliefs. The person who keeps his inner dialogue linked to the past or projected towards the future automatically excludes any relationship with God, he will not be able to feel God’s presence in his life and heart. Prudence is a fundamental quality to live in the harmony and respect of life and of each person's progression, but when prudence uses the vocabulary of closure towards anything that is new and unfamiliar, it is no longer prudence but becomes dullness of heart, ignorant backwardness, chronic obscurantism, devastating conformism, depressing underdevelopment, poisonous involution. The person who obeys the past excludes himself from any intellectual progress and growth, and transforms perspicacity into distrust or fear of change. When the human psyche worships the past, it strongly limits creative and evolutionary potentialities, transforming its reflective and thoughtful gaze into an inquisitorial one and the capacity to understand into the will to controll. 
When the human psyche glorifies, pays homage to, honors, venerates the past, it is at the same time desecrating, trampling, insulting, mocking the present. The human psyche which honors what has been is stepping on what is now. The human psyche that thinks about how it could have been cannot live in a grateful or loving way what is taking place in the present. The human psyche which loves and kneels before the past is always ready to attack and strike at the present, and therefore it cannot in any way serve or follow God. The human psyche which remains chained to the past will always be hopelessly late at the appointment with understanding wisdom, evolution, love, happiness, harmony and peace. Always and invariably arriving late for the appointment with the spirit of prophecy can no longer be called ignorance, tardiness, or prudence because it has become poisonous intellectual perversion. The past and the future are terrible illusions: the past does not exists anymore, the future does not yet exist; only the present lives and exists. The past blocks the movement towards life and the present because of the force of its inertia. The future blocks the movement towards life and the present because of the force of its projection forward. 
Jesus says: no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the new wine will burst the skins, and it will be spilled, and the skins will be ruined. Jesus invites all men and women of this generation not to remain attached and chained to the old wine of past conventions and beliefs becaue that makes it impossible for Him  to pour the new wine of the innovative power of His message and procedures into people's hearts. Those who obey the past will not be ready or available to receive with joy and celebration the new wine of God’s present, the exuberant wine of the renewing power of the gospel and of the Paraclete Spirit. Honoring and worshiping the past is the most commonplace way for men to curse God’s name and to betray His love, even if they are unaware of it.