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Domenica 2 Luglio 2023

Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 9:51-62

Not backwards, never

It does not matter if you are not perfect, if you always choose the best for yourself and for others, if sometimes you do not do the good you would like to do or find yourself doing the evil you would like to avoid.If you chose Jesus as your God and Lord, do not stop, do not look back, do not doubt, do not go back. If you chose to serve this world and to work for others’s good in the name of Jesus, do not come back for any reason. Slanders, persecution, love and fear, solitude and disappointments, humiliations and glory, nothing should make you look backwards and leave the plough of God that you chose. 
Do not put anything before your choice, with grace and balance, but do not put family,  attachments, resentments, emotional blackmails, human expectation, social position, anything else before the Kingdom you chose. When the present the heart is following is not God’s present, but the future of others’ expectations, we easily become shortsighted in our spirit, paradoxically unable to see thigs far from us. If, on the other hand, the present of our heart become the past, we easily become farsighted in the spirit, we cannot see things near us. If you laid you hand on God’s Kingdom’s plough, do not let go of it, because in the most difficult moments the plough will support you. And Jesus also promised that you will have everything, everything you need, everything that is necessary and give you joy, you will always have it, and in overflowing measure, well shaken and in perfect time.