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Martedì 19 Novembre 2024

Thirty-Third Week in Ordinary time

Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 19:1-10

Bring joy

Jesus is the source of joy. Jesus is the way of joy, the gateway to joy; He is joy itself in its infinite fullness. Jesus brings joy; He leads to joy. Where Jesus passes, joy arises. When Jesus enters the heart of man, joy shines. Where there is no joy, it means that Jesus is rejected. Where joy is not developed, it means that Jesus is not welcome. Where there is no room for Jesus, there is no room for joy. Anyone who is praying to Jesus but is not joyful is not praying to Jesus. Anyone who consecrates himself to Jesus but does not live in joy has not consecrated himself to Jesus. Anyone who believes in Jesus but does not develop joy in his heart, does not believe in Jesus. Anyone who entrusts himself to Jesus but is not joyful does not entrust himself to Jesus. Anyone who announces Jesus but is not joyful does not announce Jesus. The person who welcomes Jesus and his message cannot be sad. The encounter with Jesus generates great joy in Zacchaeus who welcomes Him wholeheartedly. The encounter with Jesus generates irritation, anger, annoyance, indignation in all the others who do not accept Him. The people who reject Jesus, who are hostile to Jesus, who live far from Jesus, are not Jesus' enemies. They are simply sad men who do not know joy and happiness. Those who do not accept Jesus and His message do not reject only Jesus but any possibility to be happy on this planet.
It is not man who must enter Jesus' message to experience joy, but it is Jesus' message that must enter into a man's heart and intelligence. Zacchaeus' rebirth began when he climbed the sycamore tree to see Jesus, but Zacchaeus's paradise began when Jesus, looking up, said to him: Zacchaeus, come down quickly, for today I must stay at your house.
Paradise begins when a someone lets Jesus enter completely in the house of his heart. From that moment on Zacchaeus had paradise in his house, in his heart, and in every fiber of his person, because where Jesus enters, joy enters. And where joy enters, God's paradise enters.