Legal violence 2 MER ORD 2

Legal violence

The cult of the law makes idolaters, idolatry makes people blind, blindness makes people stupid, stupidity makes people violent. The cult of the law makes the law violent and the violence of the law has no other aim but to make violence legal. The absolute, absurd and immoral blindness of the law towards man and life is never by chance. It is a choice, a choice made with precision and determination so that only a few can possess the earth's resources at the expense of everyone else. That is why the powerful, both religious and political, must take counsel, must constantly find agreements in accordance with the variability of their interests. That is why ithe powerful are always meeting in councils and gathering in palaces/government buildings of kings and rulers. When, by chance, it is the poor who meeet, they are labelled as terrorists, rebellious mobs, dangerously disobedient. That is why the powerful are the ones who make laws: the winners are the ones who write history, the rich are the ones to determine what goes on in the market, the hierarchy are the ones who guide from above. In our civilization decisions are made in the councils of the powerful, and it is obvious and predictable that they are decisions which cannot, by their intrinsic nature, do anything other than favour the interests of the powerful. That is why in our civilization the first word belongs to parliaments and the last word belongs to the police and armies.
Jesus does not have personal interests to protect. He has only one supreme interest, a supreme will: to save man, to save every man in his/her wholeness, to save all of mankind. Jesus is not against those who do not believe in God: Jesus' enemies are in fact those who believe in God or rather those who have convinced themselves they believe. The enemies of Jesus' wish to save man in his/her wholeness and all men, who, from one council meeting to anther, have transformed faith and a loving relationship with God into glacial religiosity, obscure doctrines, rigid precepts, and inhuman laws. The cold and absurd legalism of laws which enslave man is therefore the precise choice of organisms and of powerful men in the attempt to protect  their ambitions, their dirty interests, their incurable hunger for power, success, and money.  This is how over time those who serve the law necessarily become sons of idolatry and stupidity. Is is by serving one's own interest that one becomes stupid and violent. The law system  within the religious organization is made to protect the power, interests, and advantages of the powerful on earth and is defended by the armies and law courts. The law system is made to secure control over the masses and their submission, and that is why it must keep the people mentally and spiritually ignorant which is done by keeping people fearful  of God and terrified of hell and of being condemned. 
Even in Jesus' time the process was the same. The religious group of the Pharisees joined with Herod's men to take council with the aim of eliminating and killing Jesus. The law needs the arm of violence, and violence needs the arm of the law. This is why the law is violent: because it is the system that makes violence and war legal. For that reason, through the eyes of the law, it is not possible to see and understand life as a celestial gift, a divine opportunity, an extraordinary opportunity to be happy, but it is conceived as a condemnation which leaves man with the only possibility of feverishly satisfying the expectations, advantages, interests of others, anxiously competing to fulfill duties under moral and conventional pretexts.
In  the eyes of the law there is only legal or illegal, regular or irregular, conforming or not conforming and everything is without any real connection with love, compassion, forgiveness, happiness or harmony. Through the eyes of law, men are not people, God's children, free and beloved individuals capable of loving, but  slaves to the system, either totally obedient and submissive or dangerous subversive disobedient non-conforming rebels. In the eyes of the law, Jesus is not our tender Saviour but a subversive, uncontrollable enemy. The law, at the peak of its understanding potential, manages to decipher the Saviour as someone to destroy, the Healer as someone dangerous, the Lord of life as someone who must be killed.
Nothing like the eye of the law makes people idolaters, blind, stupid, violent.