Let them! 19 SAB ORD 1

Let them!

What is so special about children that Jesus would say: for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these? What makes children so completely different from adults? Or more specifically, what, unlike adults, do children lack which makes them so special to the kingdom of heaven? In order to understand it, let us observe the disciples' behavior. Some children are brought to Jesus for a blessing and a prayer. What do the disciples do? They rebuke, they block, they interfere, they oppose. Why? Because they want control, they think they have control and in His name, they believe they can exercise it. Their desire for control and for showing it to the public is so deep that the disciples do not hesitate to act in an inappropriate, exaggerated, disrespectful way. Control is generated by vanity, it is a display of power, it determines boundaries, it causes emotional blocks, it leads to conflict, it expresses ambition. 
At least as long as they are little, children represent a spiritual way of living that is not based on control, and that is why they are called by Jesus as the favorite ones who live in harmony with creation and the kingdom of heaven. Children know they do not have control and are not interested in having it. When a child is interested in control, he/she is no longer a child.