Minds that Lie 2 VEN AVV 2

Minds that Lie

It is truly paradoxical. While describing the absolute and inconceivable strangeness of our generation's mental and spiritual attitude towards Him, Jesus, the living Word, has difficulty in finding an analogy that fits properly, and He underlines that fact by asking Himself that question as he shakes his head and sighs deeply.
God the Father sent John the Baptist, the man of the desert who never indulged in the earth’s goods, to lead the people towards God's light by preaching repentance and penance, and this generation treated him like a madman possessed by a demon,  beheaded him for fun, and threw him away as if he were rubbish. God the Father sent His Son Jesus, the God man, who took part in humanity’s life with joy and peace, who opened the doors of His heart to everyone indiscriminately and this generation treated Him like a glutton and a drunkard, a man who surrounds himself with prostitutes and pleasure-seekers and whose friends are robbers and sinners.
Jesus is astonished, almost dismayed by all that violent pride, arrogance, and stupid ignorance. He is speechless, perplexed, and almost unbelieving that anything similar could take place. This generation has succeeded in doing something that all the other generations in this world and in all other worlds have never come near to. This generation managed to turn intelligence, the greatest of God's gifts to man, into the most grotesque vortex of deception and stupidity. Man, in fact, being a thinking and reasoning creature, decided that the superiority of his intelligence is confirmed by the fact that he and he alone, among all the creatures of the earth, can deny what is evident, clear, obvious. For our generation, moreover, denying what is evident is synonymous with demonstrating our intellectual capacity, our free thinking, open-mindedness, our democratic perception of reality.
Jesus is speechless because if what is obvious for the human mind is a lie, what then can lead man towards the light of truth and reality? There is only one answer: wisdom. Wisdom sees and understands reality and evidence despite all reasoning and mental orientation. Wisdom sees even if everyone is blind, it can hear even if everyone is deaf, it walks even if everyone is lame, it is free even if everyone is imprisoned. Wisdom announces reality even if everyone believes that they have muted it, it sows light even if everyone prefers to drown in the dark. It is clear that wisdom is not affected by stupidity, it humbly steps aside in the face of violent ignorance, but it never stops filling the air and the universe with His divine fragrance, as it awaits to fill some people’s brains.