Mourning and weeping SAB 8 PASQUA 1

Mourning and weeping

Jesus appears to Mary. Mary immediately runs to those who were with Him and who were mourning and weeping to announce the unpredictable event. But when they heard that Jesus was alive and that she had seen him, they did not believe.
His companions who were mourning and weeping. This is how the evangelist described the disciples' mood, and it is this mood of mental and spiritual depression that hurts faith and stops love. To be truthful it is not mourning and weeping that stops faith, that is only a cover-up, a pathetic justification. Jesus Himself precisely described the mental and spiritual mood that withered the faith and the love of those who were with him: disbelief and hardness of the heart. Mental disbelief and cardiac sclerosis, that is, hardness of the heart, are the two poisons which kill faith. Mental disbelief, that is a mind full of the poison of prejudice, first and foremost being that of not wanting to give up the idea of a glorious, powerful earthly Messiah, in accordance with the collective imagination and prevailing perspectives. Cardiac sclerosis, that is a heart that is black with anger, made dull and sclerotic by wounds, frustrations, betrayals. These are the two enemies of faith which, no matter how cleverly disguised and masked by mourning and weeping, remain the greatest hindrances to a luminous faith and an active, passionate love.