Shapeless BATT DEL SIG C


Sea water is energy, vast, boundless energy, but it is shapeless. Sea water is formless energy, but it easily and quickly takes the shape of coastlines, it adapts itself to rocks, it settles into caves, it is rippled by the wind, it is modeled by storms. Water is powerful energy but the boat's rudder can leave the sign of its passage. Water is shapeless energy, nonetheless at times it can be so powerful as to destroy everything it touches. When it is in a state of tranquility, it instantly and easily adapts itself to the shape of things which it surrouds or enters into. When we go into a swimming pool, water adapts itself perfectly to our bodies and  the contours of our forms just as it does when we fill a glass or a bottle with water. It is formless energy that takes form whenever conditions permit, and it becomes shapeless again when those conditions cease. If we collect some water in our hands from a river to quench our thirst, that water immediately takes the form of the hollow of our cupped hands, but as soon as we open up our hands it immediately becomes shapeless again and becomes indistinguishable from the rest of the water in the stream. What kind of intelligence does a man show if - in order to quench the thirst of his community - he daily collects water from a generous source with just a thimble and then curses the source because his community is dying of thirst? Wouldn't it make more sense for that man to learn how to collect water following a more functional and effective procedure so as to ensure that everyone can benefit from it? If he collects water with larger containers proportional to the thirst of his community,  the containers will be filled and the people will use as much as they need.  Water fills the shape and the capacity of the recipient perfectly. So it is with our lives. The life that God has given us is formless energy, the capacity to love is shapeless but powerful energy, just as all the other gifts with which He has filled our lives. What is the correct procedure to give the shape we wish to the boundless power of the energy of life? It is desire. And what makes desire be fulfilled? Faith. Certain, clear, and powerful faith. Desire without faith is like a drawing without a painter, a musical score without a musician, a recipe without a cook. A great desire sustained by a weak faith will lead to only small accomplishments in life. Life is shapeless divine energy that will fit perfectly and will quickly take the exact  shape of our capability of desiring and of having faith. It is desire that gives shape to life. Wishes for prosperity and peace lead to a life of prosperity and peace. Miserable, weak wishes lead to a miserable and poor life. Desires  generated within the depths of our hearts will lead  to a life which we will recognize  clearly and which will make us happy and fulfilled. Desires subjected to the expectations of others will create a life desired by others for us but not the life that we desired for ourselves, forcing us to live a life that we will be unable to recognize as our own.
When immersed in God's desires, our own desires can only give birth to a full, happy, rich and beautiful life. How can we possibly dare to curse life or feel unlucky when life seems hostile, hard, miserable and full of difficulties, trouble and pain? Life is divine, powerful, infinite, immortal energy, but it is shapeless, like ocean water. Jesus often explained this procedure, this divine law, in the gospel  to the people who sought Him seeking help. When asked to heal the sick or to solve other problems, Jesus said, Let it be done for you as you wish (Matthew 15:28) or Your faith has saved you (Mark 5:34). If we put a small, broken bottle into a source of water, we know that our chance of collecting a good supply  is low. But if we put  a good-sized bucket into it, once the bucket is filled, the quantity of water it will provide will be generous. And out of metaphor, if water in some corner of the earth could be scarse, surely  life's divine energy, which brings all things to life always and everywhere, cannot. Jesus is the Logos of God, all the desires of God the Father and the Holy Paraclete which became flesh and came  to dwell among men. Humanity can see the real and total fulfillment of all God's desires for our well-being, peace, health, and harmony in Jesus immersed in the river Jordan. That is why He says: Without me you can do nothing (John 15:5), and at the same time He says that nothing is impossible for those who have faith. In the river Jordan, Jesus is not only baptized, but also embodies all God's love and predilection for each of His children. That is why Jesus can say that He and He alone has conquered the world and that whoever believes in Him will have a life full of His joy and His life forever.  Jesus lives and embodies the will of the Father and of the Holy Paraclete, and the greatest desire in God's heart is that each of us can live in Him happily forever.