The two keys 10 GIO ORD 1

The two keys

One key opens; it opens the doors of hell, even in this life. Another key opens; it opens the doors of heaven, even in this life. One key opens the way to the poisonous and toxic sea of illnesses, suffering and death. Another key opens the way to the revitalizing and healing sea of health, joy and life. One key imposes judgement and condemnation; the other key predisposes towards mercy and understanding. One key attracts divine judgement and condemnation, the other one divine mercy and forgiveness. One key is division, the other is unity. The key of division divides us first from ourselves and then from our brothers. Even before uniting us to others, the key of unity unites us with ourselves.
Judging a brother is division, understanding him is unity. Accusing our fellow brothers and sisters means using the infernal key of separation; forgiving our brothers means using the heavenly key of unity. Being right or wrong in life is not important, what matters is which key we choose to use in our life on earth. Jesus reveals that if for any reason we come to use the key of division, even our relationship with God will be absolutely jeopardized. We cannot be divided from our brothers and united to God, that is impossible. The person who uses the key of division and separation will put himself in prison by himself, in a dreadful dark cage, because he will be in debt towards unity, and unity is the spring of life; he will be so in debt that he will be unable to gain access to the life of infinite light without getting out of that cage, but to get out he has to pay his debts to unity to the very last penny. Unity is life, division is death.