Unity wins 25 GEN CONV S PAOLO 2

Unity wins

In the Gospel, believing is not believing in one creed rather than in another one, it is re-establishing in the world and in the human heart divine unity and harmony. If believing in Jesus does not bring men back to their inner unity with God, with others, and with themselves, it is not faith, it is alienating religiosity. Jesus' invitation to his apostles to go into the whole world to bring the Gospel to all creatures was not made because of a thirst for proselytism or the desire for power but because Jesus knew - as no one else - that division and separation insinuated in all creatures and all men at all existential levels and that everything needed to be restored and made hormonious once again in the unity with the power of his Word. The immersion that Jesus proposes, the baptism He is talking about, is not a religious ritual to follow in order to belong to a religion, but a new alliance with God, it is making peace with God once and for all, it is ceasing to think ill of God, because only this peace with God can give peace to the heart and unity with ourselves and with everything that exists. The heart of the Eucharist is the consecration and the heart of the consecration is Jesus' words that explain the reason why he offered his life, his blood, his love and all of himself to mankind: for the new and eternal covenant.
For the new and eternal covenant Jesus God was born man in our midst, announced the evangelic procedures, worked miracles, chased away demons, resurrected the dead. For the new and eternal covenant he was ridiculed, condemned, tortured and killed on the cross, then He rose and went to heaven. For the new and eternal covenant, for the unity to be re-established between man and God, Jesus became the servant of men, a humble and meek lamb of God, the prince of peace. God's covenant with men was signed with the blood of Jesus, with the total offering of his life which is united to man's choice to go back to God's love, to the peace of unity, to the beauty of harmony. When a man signs his covenant with Satan, it is the man himself who chooses to deny God to sell himself to Satan, but Satan never offers anything of himself, only the deception of power, the illusion of dominion. Whoever believes and is baptized-immersed will be saved, whoever does not believe will be condemned  does not mean that those who do not become christian will not see the glorious light of the divine sky or that salvation is a matter of belonging to one religion or another. Jesus is not a religion, Jesus is the amazing unity of God made flesh, He is the wonderful embodiment of God's harmony. Believing in Jesus, independently of the fact that your name is on the baptism registry of the religion bearing his name, is believing,  loving,  dedicating oneself completely, even at the cost of one's own life, in all times and places, to restoring the unity of man and of humanity, working with the power of forgiveness, sharing and wisdom. And Jesus words: whoever does not believe will be condemned  are not a religious threat but an existential and spiritual consequence. Those who does not believe in Jesus, in the true Jesus, in the embodied divine Unity and Harmony, will be condemned because those persons do not believe in unity and in harmony but believe in, love, dedicate themselves completely, even at cost of their lives, in all times and places, to division and separation. Every injustice is division, all wrath is division, every fear, all resentment, revenge, intollerance, fundamentalism, violence, dominion, unshared wealth, lie is division and separation. Every division and separation is a covenant with the Divider, the Devil.