The way 30 MAR ORD 1

The way

God's word, the way, that special way of doing things according to God's heart, has some particular and recognizable characteristics. Jesus exemplifies them with the images of a mustard seed and yeast.
Characteristics of the mustard seed:
- it is small in proportion to the size and effectiveness of the plant it generates;
- it works and operates in perfect silence, in depth, in an invisible unflashy way;
- it is always at work at its task, day and night, continuously.
Characteristics of the yeast:
- it is always less that the mass of dough it must levitate;
- it enters the dough as an external agent but then it becomes an indissoluble indistinguishable unit with it and it changes the dough's taste;
- it creates a fermentation process that changes andstructurally transforms at a molecular level, the whole dough. The leavened dough, in its very essence is no longer what it was before.
According to Jesus' words, the characteristics of that special way in which God's things move are:
- they are born very small in comparison to what they later create and develop; they move in an humble and almost invisible way, but they are extremely effective and functional for the purpose they were created;
- they work in depth as a powerful and incompressible energetic impulse, in silence, in an inconspicuous way, invisible to the eyes of the world;
- they are continuously, incessantly at work at their task, day and night, never stopping;
- they enter into the hearts and minds of people with little thoughts, inspirations, inner dialogues, and then, from within and completely, they transform the substance by changing the essence, they transfigure people and and then crowds.
The Father, the Son, Jesus, the Spirit, the Paraclete act like that, and so it is for the children of God. In the same way every inspiration of the Gospel is sown and bears fruit, through the seed of love and the levitating action of Jesus' Word in the hearts of humanity.      
That special way of acting of God and of God's children does not need approval, ostentation, reflectors, consent, power, praise, prestige, recognition, advertising, elation, applause, propaganda, proselytism. 
That special way of acting of God and of God's children is always a very vital and energetic seed of love and a powerful transfiguring yeast of light.