Of whom? 20 DIC 1

Of whom?

Who will we be slaves of today? Because there is no doubt about it:  we will be someone's slaves.
Will we be slaves of our ambitions or of our obsessions? Will we be slaves of our conventions or of someone else's habits? Will we be slaves of our concerns about what other people will say or oppressed by the obligations of fashion? Will we be slaves of anti-conformism or ordinary opinion? Will we be enslaved by fear, by the dread of not being able to meet others' expectations, or will we be enslaved by our omniscient judgements? How can we break the chains of slavery? With freedom? No, it won't work. If we do not understand how it works, freedom is just a word, a useless, misleading utterance which will not set us free from slavery.  There is only one way not to be a slave. It is to be a servant: servant out of the Love for the Highest One.
Even today we will either be slaves or servants: slaves of someone else's wishes or servants of God's wishes. We will either be exasperated slaves of something which does not belong to us and does not represent us, does not warm our heart, does not enlighten us, does not open our heart to wonder. Or we will be servants, servants of love, peace and beauty in the name of God. We will either be slaves oppressed by our own or someone else's expectations, or humble servants of God's wishes.
It isn't hard to make out what the world wishes: they appear through a wide gate of falsity and persuasion. The gate to learning what God wishes is narrower because it leads to a path where freedom and awareness walk. It is the narrow but amazing way of the Gospel, where Jesus voices God's wishes for mankind.
Will we be the slaves of someone else's wishes today or servants of God's wishes?
Mary, the handmaid of the Lord, is the awesome companion of our journey and of our choice.