Yes and no

Yes and no

It is literally written: Be the word-dialogue [Greek: lògos] of yours: yes, yes, no, no. Anything more is from the evil one. What does it mean? Why Jesus uses those tiny adverbs to indicate the quality, quantity, power, validity, efficacy, intelligence, brightness of man’s lògos-inner dialogue? Because those yes and no are the only words-dialogue possible to man in the decisional dimension of his being, the pneuma-spirit. Why did Jesus say that between a yes if we mean yes and a no if we mean no, there is only space for all that is Satan’s abyss’ dominion? Because during our life on earth, all the troubles and difficulties experienced come from this not being able or not wanting to dwell in yes if we mean yes and no if we mean no, and from choosing, because of ignorance, fear, pride, interest and arrogance, to dwell in the space of Satan.  
The space between yes and no is an infernal abyss ruled by two queens: indecision and justification. Indecision and justification rule, under Satan’s vigil eye, the space between yes and no, depending on circumstances, using their most faithful servants: confrontation, quarrel, polemics, lies, deceptions, fraud, simulation, falsity, slander, fibs, calculation, alibi, motivation, excuses. The space between yes and no is all for Satan, it is the space where Satan can push man to cultivate ignorance as it was wisdom, to profane love in the name of possession, to call violence peace, to call democratic progress the abuse and annihilation of any human right. It is in this space, between man’s yes and no, that Satan can organize for man a life of misery, deception, fear, slavery, submission, conflict, war, destruction. It is in this space, between man yes and no,that Satan can push man to separation, to any kind of separation and division leading to death.
Yes, yes, no, no. Anything more is from the evil one.