Questa sezione presenta quotidianamente il Vangelo del Giorno accompagnato da una riflessione, insieme all'antifona e al Salmo corrispondente, che in alcuni particolari periodi dell’anno liturgico potranno essere musicati e cantati. Ogni giorno potrai vivere la Parola, leggerne il commento e scaricare tutto in formato PDF dalla sezione sinistra del sito.

Giovedì 16 Maggio 2024

Seventh Week of Easter

Word for today
The Gospel of John 17:20-26


Jesus wants to give us everything, not only all himself, but also all that belongs to Him, all His life, His love, His joy. He wishes to give us everything and it is only Him who wishes it so powerfully and fully for us. He wants to share with us, His children, the splendour and beauty, the grace and joy that He lives in the Father and in His existence as Son of God. Jesus wishes that we do not miss anything, absolutely nothing of His joy, His wisdom, His wellbeing, His peace, light and sweetness. 
Jesus wishes for us to be one as He is one with the Father and the Paraclete. He wishes, above all, that we never feel separated in ourselves, far from Him, in conflict with others, because He wishes, beyond everything, our joy, our utter and divine joy. Jesus wishes that we do not live, even for a second, without love, in a state of suspension, uncertainty, doubt, disintegration typical of separation, and when separation happens, for any reason, He assures us that He is always on our side to support us, always in front of us to guide us, always behind us to catch us when we fall, always inside us to wake us up, enlighten and heal us. Only He can save and heal man, not only because He is the only one who has the power to do that, but, mainly, because He is the only one who wishes so powerfully our good and our full and utter wellbeing. There is no father, mother, son, daughter, husband, wife, teacher, life’s guide, enlightened man, holy man, political or ideological system in the world that can desire our happiness and wellbeing better and more powerfully than Jesus, and that have the wisdom to guide us to them. Jesus wishes that we know with absolute certainty that the Father loves us with the same tenderness, grace, care, impetus, predilection and grandiosity with which He loves His Son and He wishes for our life things that seems impossible to our mind and imagination. He says to the Father: I wish that where I am they also may be with me, that they may see my glory that you gave me. Jesus wishes for us the Whole and the One that He lives with the Father and the Paraclete Spirit.  Nobody else has ever desired so much for us and nobody has ever given so much: He offered His whole life to realize this desire, nobody else did it, nobody else ever did it. Fathers, mothers, sons, daughters, husbands, wives, teachers, life’s guides, enlightened man, holy ones, institutions, mediators of any kind, political, economical, healthcare, cultural, legal, ideological, military, religious, sport, work systems, everyone, really everyone, have some desires for man, indeed each one offers man’s true desire’s realization. But what kind of desires are they? Where do they come from? Where to they bring? Could they possibly be as complete, powerful, full of love and freedom as Jesus’ ones?
This is a time when every man, far from the voice of mediators, the pressure of power’s system and the ego deceptions, has to decide in His own heart which desire he wants to see realized in his own life, if Jesus’ desires or the ones dictated by his family of origin, human affections, others’ expectations’ system, politics, economy, fashion, competition, religion, human convention and beliefs. 
This is a time when every one will see realized in fullness in his life the quality of his desires, depending on the source of his desires. Choosing to see in one’s life Jesus’ desires realized could simply be the highest act of wit and intelligence of humanity, even before spirituality and faith.