In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Thursday 28 July 2022

Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Matthew 13:47-53

Change of ocean

There is room for everyone in the ocean. The ocean is experienced, crossed, breathed, traveled by living beings of all sorts, types, species, forms, sizes and shapes. There is room for everyone in the ocean and everyone moves according to their genetic code, instinct, characteristics, and tendencies. The ocean does not judge behaviors, it does not criticize intentions, it does not verify situations, it does not generate any form of partiality, it does not hunt, it does not cast out its inhabitants. The ocean does not complain, it does not object; it does not have prisons, mental hospitals, or fences. In the ocean, all and everything happens and moves according to the rules or the “non-rules” of each and according to the freedom or the “non-freedom” of each. That is how the ocean of life in which God has immersed us in works.
In the ocean of life we are free to behave and to move on the path of life or death exactly in the way we have decided it must be for us. One day the nets will be lowered into the ocean of our earthly existence, not to catch us to judge or convict us, but simply to gather and bring us back to the divine, loving ocean where we began, the Lord's womb. It is natural and obvious that God's ocean, which is an ocean of eternal love, beauty, grace, and nobility will recognize as His children all those who, in the ocean of life on this earth, have recognized, desired, sown, expressed, and developed love, beauty, grace, and nobility. Without judgment, anger, condemnation, bitterness, simply the love in which we have learned to swim day after day in the ocean of our earthly life will make us able to swim in the eternal Love of God, in total joy and forever. Without judgment, anger, condemnation, resentment, simply the non-love, the anger, and the ambition in which we have learned to swim day after day in the ocean of our earthly life will enable us to swim in the eternal pond of the Evil one.