In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Thursday 26 January 2023

Ss Timothy and Titus, bishops

Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 10:1-9

First of all

To be happy the poor do not need riches first and foremost, and the rich do not need to give up all their property first and foremost. The starving do not need food first and foremost, nor slaves freedom. To be happy ignorant people do not need knowledge first of all,  the weak do not need strength nor sinners holiness. To be happy what is needed first of all is inspiration. Inspiration does something to our heart which nothing else can: it can change, metànoia. Inspiration moves something in the heart that at the moment we cannot even imagine and, at the same time, creates an endless, overwhelming, undefinable yearning for something and for someone who was part of us. The world needs to be inspired, it needs first of all and above all to be seeded from within, inspired in its very essence. This is an endless task, one which can fill every night and day of all of history and of every human being. Inspiring God's people comes before and goes beyond guiding, educating, correcting, evangelizing: it comes before and goes beyond anything else. The first salutation of Jesus' apostles is inspiration, inspiration to peace, to unity, to harmony, it is inspiration to change, to change the mental and emotional system, and to insert the change in planning projects not to be innovative or in style but for an intimate, deep interior spiritual conversion. To inspire is to give others the opportunity to see forgiveness and not vengeance as a possible answer, it is showing that the path of peace can be more useful than the one of havoc, and that praise is healthier and more energetic than swearing and rage. To inspire is to help others to see that the complete solution can be obtained by removing the causes rather than covering up the symptoms, it is showing respect towards everyone and their destiny rather treating others with slander, provocation or mockery. A piece of advice not taken up remains a piece of advice not taken; a spiritual argument not perceived or welcomed, remains there for its own sake; a proposal not appreciated remains dead. But an inspiration, an inspiration is the most pure and powerful energy which once released, if it is not taken, it returns to the person who extended it. Inspiration cannot be lost. The most important task for the newborn church is inspiring people, through the Gospel, to change direction, to change goals, but in peace and joy. Culture, politics, law, courts, media, governments, judments, conventions, fashions, habits, arguments  do not have the energy to inspire people to move towards life and unity. The only preoccupation that the newborn church should have is to inspire everything, to inspire everyone in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Paraclete.