In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Thursday 7 March 2024

Third Week of Lent

Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 11:14-23

God's finger

Let's pretend that one day we receive an expensive computer program as a gift.  The program maximizes the computer’s potential using previously unknown algorithms that allow us to face our job with maximum ease, and competence, and in the most effective way.
Fortunately there is also an invaluable user manual included in the package containing the program. It is, in fact, such a guarantee of proficiency that as soon as possible we load the program into our computer and start learning how it works and how to use it proficiently by studying the manual.
Naturally the person who invented and compiled the program is the same person who wrote the manual, and who but the person who designed and constructed all parts of the program could know it better?
Let's pretend that life, our life, all life is the program that God has given us, and the Gospel is the user manual which explains how to use the "Life Program" to its utmost capacity, to achieve maximum well-being and happiness for everyone everywhere.  The same divine finger that created life also wrote the user manual. That is why Jesus could say something so powerful and clear but at the same time taken for granted, in the light of the analogy above: Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatters. Whoever is not with the manual of the Gospel, is against the One who wrote the manual, and he/she is also against life and its good functioning. He/she who does not harvest life, who does not work, love, build, and think according to the Gospel - the manual explaining how everything works,  - clearly scatters, and will see all that he/she struggled to obtain disappear.
It is also clear that following Jesus and the Gospel manual does not mean belonging a religion only nominally, individually or collectively.  It means living an intimate love with God in one's heart and following the Evangelical procedures, summarized in the Beatitudes, in everyday actions and life choices.