In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Tuesday 11 April 2023

Easter Tuesday

Word for today
The Gospel of John 20:11-18

Woman, why are you weeping?

Mary, you are weeping because you keep looking at the empty tomb and bowing your mind towards an emptiness which should not be there but is. You are weeping because you want to understand why and you can not accept what you see; you cannot fit it into your mental system. You are weeping because you keep thinking that the only acceptable explanation for that empty tomb is that someone has stolen your Lord; you have never even for a second considered the possibility that the tomb is empty because He, the Lord, the Risen One, has come back to life, that He, the Living God, could not possibly stay any longer in that deathly place, as He said and foretold many times. You are weeping because you love the Lord with your heart, yet you do not trust Him, His Word, or His procedures completely. In reality you are still fighting with a present that you do not understand, you do not accept, you do not want. You are weeping because you are holding within yourself the idea of a Lord who loved and forgave everyone in His endless majesty in the battle against evil, but in the end he lost, lost miserably. So you too, Mary, lost Him, and now you are feeling lost, emptied, betrayed. You are weeping because you are holding in your mind the idea of an unreal Lord who should have acted and been as you imagined. You are holding within the wound of your loss, the heartache of a deep betrayal, an unexplainable contempt for that violent and absurd death, and your terribile and unimaginable solitude. You are weeping because that empy tomb is an inconceivable hole for your mind, as you have not yet understood that it is the ultimate seal of unity. That empty tomb says that He will never leave you, it promises a total, endless unity with Him. You are weeping because that empty tomb is synonymous to you of death's slavery and of evil's violent victory, you have not yet understood that it is, instead, the sign that man has been completely freed from death and fear. Turn around, Mary, turn around and look at Him, the One you loved and now you cannot even recognize, because it is not the lord created by your mind. Turn around, Mary, towards Him as He is, and listen to His voice. He  always calls you by your name and never leads you to where you thought or imagined. Do not think, Mary, do not think that you can hold Him, stop Him, anticipate Him. Do not weep, Mary, the high priests' council could not stop Him, nor could His friends' betrayal, or the tortures of the tomb. Do not weep, Mary, your Lord cannot be stopped by anyone and He will always walk towards you to join you, and with Him beside you, you will walk with all of your brothers and sisters towards the Heavenly Father.