In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Thursday 13 April 2023

Easter Thursday

Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 24:35-48


Closed in the upper room the disciples are talking animatedly with one other about what has taken place, and they are not at all frightened by the illogical nonsense of what they are saying. They are not doubtful about their delirious reasoning which is the result of a total lack of faith and trust in Jesus. The disciples are not shocked by the stupidity of their negative, sad pronunciations, they are not astonished by the destructive rage of their heart which has not accepted the Lord's inglorious death on the Cross. But when Jesus arrives and shows himself to them sweetly and lovingly, when He embraces them and speaks to them with total peace and tranquility, then they are scared to death, they are astonished, they think He is a ghost, they are full of doubts. When Jesus arrives, their acute, speculative minds start asking demanding questions and they become diligent investigators, irremovable inquisitors, impartial examiners.
In the parliaments, in the stock exchange, in culture, on the roads,
 in the fashion industry, in sports, in administrations, in the courts of justice people are stupidly and absurdly compliant,  but between the pages of the Gospel and the walls of the upper room, in front of Jesus, they are relentlessly inquisitive to the point of paranoia and lack of respect.    It is an illogical and suspicious d isproportion.
Fortunately Jesus 
knows the reason behind this disproportion: it is ignorance that sows foolishness. Jesus immediately offers His therapy, His antidote: Then he opened their minds to understand the Scriptures. The antidote to ignorance and stupidity is this: to open the human mind to understand the Scriptures in order to live life and everyday choices in the light of divine procedures.