In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Wednesday 23 October 2024

Twenty-ninth Week of the Ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 12:39-48


Son, why are you managing the way you are? Why have you struck and killed your brothers and your sisters and why do you continue to do so without resting for a moment? Why have you used the wonders of life to get intoxicated by possession, ambition, and greed? Why does your administration generate tears,  pain, injustice, violence, misery? Tell me, son, why? Why do you want control and power over everything and everyone? Why are you acting like a god, an evil, capricious, insolent god ? Why do you treat nature in such a dreadful way? Why do suck your brothers' physical, mental and spiritual energies, leaving them miserable and fearful and making  the gift of life so horrible, unacceptable, and frightening to them? Why do you take bread, water, air away from your brothers? For money? For power? Because you were dared? Why do you administer so arrogantly and impudently the resources that I, the Lord, have given to everyone for the well-being of everyone? You administer them in such a way that very few men and women enjoy incalculable goods while all the others live as slaves or barely survive. Why are you so dismissive with your other brothers, irreverent about my presence, offensive with life, so arrogant  with everyone? Why do you administer the trust of the people and the power you have been given in this way? My son, you know perfectly well that I hear your thoughts and I know all your projects, I know how you are organizing everything, so that your administration will be unique and global on the entire planet. But why? Because you know that even though I respect your freedom, I will not let you do it.
Why are ruling in this way, son? You are not like those millions of men and women who drown their intelligence in ignorance and idiocy, no,  you know how it works, you know the procedures, but you are using them  only for your own benefit and interest. Why? You know better than anyone else that I will ask you for more, much more. People's cries have long been filled with prayers and supplication, and all because of your mismanagement, son, and the worst thing is that people's minds, impoverished by your spells and persuasion, believe that it is all my fault, the Lord of life. I do not know why you do it, son, and I do not even want to know; I am too busy listening to the cries, tears, disappointment, despair, fear, terror, horror of millions and millions of children, because they need an answer and I will certainly answer them.
I do not know why you do it, son, but I know one thing, that one day you will call out to me, and not out of hunger, thirst, cold, slavery, but because you will be in the jaws of Satan, jaws that crush endlessly  and procure the shocking death that never dies. And on that day I will listen, but I will not answer, and you will know God's silence.
You, son, with your  wicked and devastating administration, have convinced my children of my silence throughout their earthly life, although it was not and has never been God's silence, it was the time of freedom and of my divine decision to let you do as you would. But when you call out, my son, caught in the jaws of Satan, then you will know God's silence throughout your life without end. I am not threatening you, son, however, after you have served the evil lord for your entire life, you yourself will ask to live forever in his arms, but Satan has no arms, son, he has no arms and has no  heart, he has only jaws, wide open. Let yourself be corrected, son, just let yourself be guided, listen to the cry of your brothers, and use your strength and your heart to build the wonderful world that I dreamt for everyone.