In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Tuesday 22 October 2024

Twenty-Ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 12,35-38

It is high time

No human generation has never slept so much as this, it is an intellectual and spiritual drowsiness, which is incredibly heavy and widely distributed. It is a demotivating, obscuring, depriving, decentralizing, deceptive, artificial sleep, so that man is not more ready for anything. The lamps of wisdom and knowledge have been violently extinguished or cleverly covered everywhere. Since the cruel cunning of the powerful was put on the throne of the tyrannical power, ignorance has been flooding in every corner of the earth, the heart and the mind. Clothing, that is, everything man needs and needs so that his life is agile, healthy, peaceful, free, safe, has become weighed down by impeding morals,  obstructing, cramping, deforming, unwieldy, because they are crammed with unnecessarily voluminous requirements, rules, regulations, filled with laws, dogmas, duties, taxes, controls and controllers. So heavily asleep, with lights off and impeded by heavy clothing, where can the men of this generation go?
It will not be easy for us to wake up from such a sleep, but it is worth trying to wake up and stay awake for the moment when the Lord knocks on the door of heaven that surrounds the earth.
Before His next visit to the earth, Jesus, the Lord, will knock, knock on the door. And knock is not a symbolic action. In this case no symbols at all. This is an accurate description of what is going to happen. The Lord will be preceded by a knock at door, and the door of the earth is the heavens that surround our planet. The Lord knocks on the door of heaven bordering the earth, and no man or woman will not be able to clearly understand  what is about to happen. It will not be easy for us to wake up from the deception, the intellectual somnambulism into which we have fallen, but it is important to try. How? First, desiring it, wanting it very much, every single moment, and transforming this desire into humble prayer, invoking the Spirit, the Paraclete so that He wakes us up from the inside and lets us be reborn with all His force and His imagination. Second, maintaining a steady faith in God no matter what happens, never thinking ill of Him. Third, breathing, drinking, eating with gratitude, always, for everything and anything. Fourth, asking and offering forgiveness, always. These are the procedures to follow so that we can wake up from sleep and deception and stay awake, stay awake for at least welcome the Lord of the universe in His coming, a warm welcome full of love and gratitude. Stay awake for at least tell Him with tears of joy, Thank You, Lord, without You we were dreaming of being awake, then you have woken us up and only now we see that we were sleeping. Thank You.