In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Wednesday 16 October 2024

Twenty-eighth Week in Ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 11:42-46


The law is sitting on humanity’s throne, being recognized by this generation as the new god to which all is subjected; now it is ready, in its own name, to crush and destroy everything. Everything will be taken away from the peoples in the name of the law, with the pretext of defending people from themselves. In the name of the law all individuals will have to hand over their freedom, dignity, any faint sign of vital and healthy diversity, honour, creativity, health and economical power. In the name of the law, man will have to give up using his intelligence, fantasy, geniality. In the name of the law, the heart of power is ready to begin the attack on the heart’s power. Man’s heart, man’s intellectual and decisional centre, human life’s engine will collapse in the name of the law. The  law has never been interested in man’s heart and even less in love. The law, which is the queen of conventions, considers love as a non-existent reality, an inopportune, empty, a vain convention. Law is not interested in love, nor in justice, because justice is rooted in respect, and law has no respect for anything or anyone besides itself. It is not possible to talk, dialogue or discuss with law, because it has no face; it is a speaking code which can talk but not listen or understand. The law serves the power’s heart, it guarantees that the powerful maintain control, protecting their interests, and it turns the ones who do not bow to the system into criminals and rebels, registering the screams of oppressed persons as an annoying, unexpected delirious verbalization. The law’s primary aim is to generate unbearable weights to put on people’s shoulder and conscience, weights that the law itself and the lawmen do not even touch with a finger. Those weights make people physically, intellectually and spiritually tired, sad and exhausted. The law loads people with unbearable and terrible weights,  leading them to beg for a single, sovereign, universal government, which will sound, to the people’s ears and intelligence, like the advent of a glorious and magnificent Messiah, like the liberating advent of the kingdom of God. The ultimate aim of the law is to create the conditions for the coming of Satan’s kingdom and, for this reason, wherever the law goes, it needs to find the system’s enemy in order to fight and to defeat it. The law can judge anybody, but noone can judge the law. The law exists to make something legal so that everything else can become illegal. The law is the only established entity that does not allow ignorance, even though it is the most efficient system to keep man in fear, in confusion and therefore in ignorance. The law creates the guilty and the executioner, it generates the guilt, it creates the punishment, the victim and the perpetrator. If the law says that killing is illegal, then the one who kills is an assassin, a criminal; if the law makes killing legal in order to punish a guilty one with death or because it has decided that it is time for war, then killing becomes not only legal, but a duty, a right and a heroic act.  Man created the law to defend himself, but the law, on the contrary, does not defend itself with the law, but with armies, with violence. Man created the law to defend himself from violence, but there is nothing in man’s life more violent, colder, more insensitive, crueler or more cynical than the law. The law does not know justice, it does not know love and it does not allow any kind of inner, spiritual evolution.  God gave man His laws only and solely to avoid the extinction of the human species but, when man dictates his laws, humanity rushes towards its own self destruction. Justice is not obtained with the law, love is not lived or protected by the law. Justice and love are made by the heart, by giving oneself in joy and humility, without expecting anything in return. The law has no heart, the heart has no law but love.