In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Monday 14 October 2024

Twenty-eighth Week in ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 11:29-32


This generation is entering the most shocking and terrible period in the history of mankind because they are entering the time of God's silence. This generation has enjoyed the exceptional, extraordinary visit  of Jesus, the Son of God; in Jesus, they have had the unique and wonderful opportunity to listen to the voice and the words of God and to know His love. Jesus visited this generation to offer to man liberation from  deception perpetrated by Sata who knows how to keep man chained inside the bars of his own mind, bars made ​​of thoughts of envy, greed, ambition and ego conflict. Jesus came to visit the earth in the most beautiful, radiant, peaceful availability in order to reveal to man the procedures and technologies needed to ensure mankind's happy, healthy life, full of divine well-being. Jesus was killed on the cross, condemned by the religious and political heads of the temple, and this not only showed how Jesus and his proposal were accepted, but it also made it terribly clear that this generation, starting from the heads of religious and political power, would never want to use the words of Jesus, the Gospel, to build human happiness and well-being.
This generation has silenced Jesus' message, transforming it into a religion at the service of powers to subdue peoples and to bind them to ignorance; those peoples who refused to be enslaved were left to the mercy of non-existent voices and delusions of ideological gurus, who do not lead anywhere, if not to death that never dies. This generation, ridiculing Jesus and relying on other voices of impostors, mercenaries and wolves, has thus asked for  God's silence, while not even imagining what the silence of God can be.
Even Satan, who wants God's silence for humanity, does not want it for himself and his demons, because he knows what the silence of God is. Satan, to nullify and completely destroy humanity, is working with all of his forces to make mankind fall forcefully into God's silence. A very effective way of silencing God's voice is to change the meaning of  God's and Jesus' words,  rewriting them so that they can be adapted to other purposes. The words-heart of the gospel have been gradually replaced by a new vocabulary and equipped with various shades of meaning, the very heart of the message has been anaesthetized and compressed into interpretations and contextualizations suitable only to darken its brightness and understanding.
Satan has worked tirelessly, cleverly changing the meaning of a few key words of the Gospel so that the whole Gospel message could be transformed and altered, and  the words of Jesus could be made unnecessary to increase man's knowledge, and at the same time to be more suitable for the purpose of power and control. The other system which Satan uses to create God's silence around man, is to make sure that all the voices of God's prophets remain unanswered. The task of Jesus' disciples  is to proclaim the Gospel with their lives and hearts, the task of the servants of Satan is to silence the voices of God's prophets as soon as possible. Satan's followers fully achieve their aim when they manage to alienate one of God's prophet from humanity, or when, through law and arrogance, they manage to strike one of Jesus' prophets and to shut him up, and then to leave him to the claws of slander and persecution.
Satan wants God's silence for humanity, but not for himself and his demons, because he knows that even he cannot resist the incalculable, unquenchable, unrelenting terror caused by God's silence.
This generation is entering the darkest  most difficult period of all human history, it is entering the time of God's silence, and this will be for its purification, because they have chosen to purify themselves. Men who believe that in this generation God's silence has already made itself felt, considering what men have been able to do against other men through evil and destructive deeds, have no awareness of reality, because the evil done was not made possible by God's silence, but as the consequence of the great gift of freedom given by God to his children. Men do not know what God's silence is, but they will learn it soon. People fear God's wrath, they fear His judgment, His fury, because they do not know what God's silence is. God's silence dissolves galaxies into dust, unsettles star systems, bends the axes of planets, clears the atoms from the core and makes the earth tremble. The earth is trembling everywhere and it will not stop. The earth is trembling with terror because, due to the hard heart and the foolishness of this generation, it will have to experience God's silence.
Humanity will soon learn that God's silence leaves an absolutely unbearable void, and all the emptiness, left by God's silence, will be filled to the brim with man's screams and loud cries.
God has given to this generation, for their evolution, salvation, joy and happiness, His living Word, His Logos made flesh, Jesus, the Beautiful Shepherd, but this generation has preferred silence, God's silence.
Is there a way to prevent this terrible passage? Yes, there is. We need join together to pray with all our strength and to beg for God's mercy, but only after we have forgiven all our brothers and sisters, so that, despite what this generation has asked, God the Father does not make us ever know his silence.