Questa sezione presenta quotidianamente il Vangelo del Giorno accompagnato da una riflessione, insieme all'antifona e al Salmo corrispondente, che in alcuni particolari periodi dell’anno liturgico potranno essere musicati e cantati. Ogni giorno potrai vivere la Parola, leggerne il commento e scaricare tutto in formato PDF dalla sezione sinistra del sito.

Domenica 6 Ottobre 2024

Twenty-seventh Sunday in Ordinary Time - Year B

Word for today
The Gospel of Mark 10:2-16

One into two

One of life's most important dominant laws says that God gives everything He says, and He says everything He gives. Every word, every sound expressed by God instantly creates, and everything created by God echoes and speaks of Him; it explains, reveals, informs, teaches. Each creative fragment is a datum, a real creative sign that  says something about and in the name of God. At the same time when God says, speaks, proclaims, He also gives and creates.
God's Word, in the very moment it is uttered, invariably gives, creates, offers, acts. As creation is a datum that always speaks of God, so God's Word is always a creative act. Through direct information provided by Jesus  in this passage of the Gospel we can gain some wonderful details about God's creative act.
Creation speaks in what it gives; it communicates in what it disposes; it informs in what it offers; it enlightens in what it manifests
At the beginning of creation God made human beings male and female. The human being, male and female, comes directly from a specific creative act of God. Being male and female is a natural differentiation wanted and desired by God Himself as divine wealth, as life potential, as an opportunity for wonderful development and growth. It is not accidental separation.
We cannot know to what degree, but the presence of male and female in the creative act represents somehow the versatility and variety of divine beauty itself, which is certainly pervaded by the harmonies and the immeasurable splendor of the male and female world.
This is the reason why man will leave his father and his mother. Because of this, that is because of this creative act which, by distinguishing between the two sexes, gave human beings beauty and grace, precisely because of this exciting difference, the search for unity and harmony in the opposite sex will ensure that man will leave his father and his mother to join with his different part. There is nothing more attractive than diversity; distinction excites. It is the search for unity and harmony of the different parts that leads, guides, multiplies existence.
In the same way that the male and the female are clearly distinct and different they are beautifully complementary and attractive to one other. It is the power of what looks different and complementary to that appears to the eyes of the heart beautiful and almost essential to our peace and our spiritual and personal fulfillment. It is this creative difference that causes many relationship difficulties, but also quest, love, affection, passion, sharing.
Each of the two sexes lacks something powerfully beautiful and beneficial which is in the other sex, but it is the desire to join to what does not belong to us but completes us that has the power to make us go out of the inclosures of our original family, to cut the umbilical cord, to free ourselves from the generation that has given us life.
And he will cleave to his wife. Union is both the incentive and the objective. Sexual difference is the force of attraction toward the movement of unity. Unity is not a state but a continuous movement of the soul, the immortal movement of the soul towards love. The difference, the surprise, the novelty is the origin of excitement, being complementary attracts because it enhances the chances of a couple, with respect to a single, to survive. Continuous union is the power that gives energy to unity and sharing. There is no love without attraction, there is no unity, sharing, communion, understanding, peace, happiness without attraction.
And the two shall become one flesh. It is a powerful and wonderful sentence, that leaves no doubt about the power of unity that is capable of blending even the physical, psychological and spiritual structures of two different beings. “One flesh” emphasizes the completeness of this unifying process, the beauty of the loving fusion, which, however, is never unification, uniformity.
Unity leads to total union, complete sharing. This unity, “the two shall become one flesh”, is not possible in the presence of family bonds, umbilical cords, family pressures, emotional blackmail, economic interests, parental compromises. It is an amazing unity that has the power to cross with a single leap all emotional blocks, taboos, beliefs, shame.
The search for harmony and unity has the power to release the male and female from the beliefs gained by social training from ancient, deep fears and launches them into the world of sharing. Total sharing so as to become one flesh, one skin, let us even say one sex, one life in two. Two hearts that beat, one is love, four feet walking , the way is one, four eyes see, but towards the same light. A male and a female who truly love each other, joining in this total trust, trust, complicity and respect, actually create a new sex, a new particle of life, a new being that transcends and completes the male and the female. They give life to a new being even before giving birth to a human being. This is the spiritual reason why sexual union can give life to the cellular union of the seeds, with the consequent transfer of skills and genetic information in a completely new and unique human being.
The two seeds, separated and different, join in the sexual act and give life to the zygote, a cellular being completely new and different from the seeds from which it comes. One thing is certain, after the union of the seeds you cannot split the new being into the two seeds again. And so it is for those who join into the male and female pair for love and into love. While remaining persons with their dignity and their unique individuality, when joined and fused together, man and woman, before conceiving a child, give life to a new being that is the union of the two of them. When a man joins to a woman, he is reborn into a new human being, that is why he can transmit life also biologically.
Male and female can transmit life because they themselves have become a single being, is no longer separable, no longer distinguishable.
Falling in love, love as passion-excitement are absolutely necessary at the beginning of a love relationship, as they make the powerful wings of a couple's life, that must must alter personal habits, certainties and prejudices take off. Instead, love as forgiveness to be asked and offered continually represents the miracle which keeps the couple going, reach higher levels of pleasure, sharing, full joy, and overcome all difficulties and inevitable disharmonies along life's path. It is forgiveness that allows a couple to be inseparable, not the absence of errors and infidelities. It is not the absence of human limitations, difficulties and differences that determines the loyalty, strength and vitality of a couple. Fidelity in love is faithfulness in forgiving one another totally and always. In a couple, true complicity is rooted in having chosen, both individually and for one other, forgiveness as a restorative and rejuvenating path, always and forever. This makes a couple and love indissoluble. Forgiveness is the maturity and wisdom of love, and love renews, warms once again and is impassions through forgiveness.
Since they are no longer two but one flesh. When a man and a woman choose each other for love and with love in mutual forgiveness, unity occurs, total, complete unity. It is the unity of two people becoming one flesh because they are no longer two. How exceptionally simple the divine power is! The couple becomes one not by foce or in the name of a law, not out of duty or by contract, but simply because they are no longer two. Human eyes, human mentality and conventions see two distinct persons in a loving couple; in reality those two people no longer exist. It is  extraordinary.
Jesus' words are impenetrable and wonderful and explains the love of a couple, the love between male and female, a love that starts from the difference between two persons and and leads to the creation of a new being, unique, united, harmonious, beautiful. Perhaps we will understand the vastness and grandeur of this words in a very distant future, but as soon as we are finally aware that when love enters the lives of two people and it unites a man and woman freely and consciously, they become one, they become a new living unit forever, simply because they are no longer and will never again be two. The couple that chooses each other becomes a new being, it is therefore absolutely and physiologically indivisible, indissoluble, inseparable. It would be like trying to split and tear a child into pieces so that he becomes an egg and a sperm again.
In God's eyes the couple plays with the variety and richness of the two, but at the same time with the grace and power of the One. That is why the text adds: Therefore what God has joined together, no human being must separate. When God joins the male and female seeds and a new life begins, we cannot separate it anymore, it is impossible, we cannot do it, and not just morally but physiologically.
So what God unites in a human couple for love's sake cannot be removed, simply because the entities that give life to the union no longer exist, they have become a new creature, both physically and spiritually, a new being that can even physically transmit  life to a new human being.