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Venerdì 11 Ottobre 2024

Twenty-seventh Week in Ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 11:15-26

Satan’s order 

Just as Jesus said, for Satan’s kingdom to stand it could not know division, defection, betrayals, desertion, distraction, infidelity, negligence, lack of preparation. The demons obeying Satan hate God and even Satan himself, they hate man and life, but are always and perfectly obedient and subdued because this allows them to have power and exercise it. Satan’s kingdom is founded on an incredible, perverse, horrible, absurd, dreadful, delusional kind of unity. In Satan’s kingdom  the demons hate each other in the most violent and heinous way; they do not agree on anything, they do not want to share anything, nevertheless none of them goes against the others and all respect and perfectly subject themselves to hell's hierarchies without discussion or doubts. Satan’s kingdom is the most advanced and successful form of globalization that has ever existed, and Satan uses this kind of control, dominion and supremacy to create the same globalization on earth, the one powerful men call “new global order”. Satan attempted a similar globalization already at the time of Babel’s Tower and the Lord had to intervene to avoid humanity's self-destruction (Genesis 11).
In Satan’s world, true power is exercising a force capable of influencing and planning human being's choices to lead them to build a new global order, so that few criminals will be able to subdue and manipulate entire populations. To realize his project Satan has to work through his servants placing them in commanding positions, to get people used to this change, a change which is always shown to the people using real and declared goals.  In the new global order everything has two aims: the first one is apparent and is the one which will make the order acceptable in people's eyes; the second one is the real aim and promotes the goals useful to institute the new system.
These are some of the fundamental steps of the new global order with which Satan wants to control and subdue humanity through his servants. The new global order is, first of all, interested in demographic control, promoting legal abortion to control the population and sexual education aiming to achieve the minimum procreation possible, on reducing the importance of the family, and on making euthanasia an acceptable practice. It will limit the possibility of having access to medical care to overcome disease and medical science and drug production will be planned so that the only therapeutic approach available would be the symptomatic one.
The new global order favors the fusion of all religions so the old ones will  disappear. The religious apparatus that now exists will be useful to achieve this objective because churches are a voice that people listen to, and therefore useful to persuade them that the change is for their true wellbeing and thus favored by God. The catholic church clearly stated that it is not only willing to support this project of global control, but, as declared in an official document dispatched by the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace, it intends to be the project's propelling, ideological centre. The document says: “Responding to the Holy Father’s appeal and at the same time taking on as its own the people's concerns especially with regard to those who most suffer the price of the current situation, the Pontifical Council for Justice and Peace with due respect for the competent civil and political authorities, intends to propose and share its own reflection: for a reform of the international financial and monetary systems in the prospective of a public authority with universal jurisdiction.” (Vatican City, 24th October 2011).
From a cultural point of view, the new global order hopes to see a complete reform of the educational system as a method of indoctrination so that the young generations will spend most of their adolescence at school, learning less and less and losing all desire for true freedom and personal realization.  
From a political point of view the institutions will be reformed to achieve absolute control over global communication and, through the network of laws and ordinances, will also control all of life’s choices, all forms of recreation and economical activities, how we travel,  learn, heal, relate to one other,  invent, build, eat, cultivate, live. In the new global order science, technology, economy and the global market will be in the hands of few organizations, managed by one bank, protected by one army. Sports and competition will largely be used to catalyze dissatisfaction and, at the same time, the thirst of success of the crowds, and as a controlled outlet for violence. Creating heroes from the sports, music, business and entertainment worlds will facilitate the immediate identification of millions of men and women from the poorest social classes with models embodying their dreams of victory and success, to exorcize their depression, submission, sadness and fear.
Satan has organized everything in such a way that when the new order will officially take over, peoples will be asked to sign an act of absolute fidelity to the system without hesitation or reservation, and those who will not sign will be considered dangerous rebels, criminal terrorists and will be eliminated, although care will be taken that they are not turned into martyrs.  Satan wants to establish his hellish kingdom on earth according to his rules, which are the rules of total globalization, centralizing all power in the hands of just a few, to subdue and ruin everything else.
Jesus will not fight against all of this, He will not declare war on the system, but He shows a new way to those who still want to see, He suggests something entirely new to those who really want to change. Jesus says: Whoever is not with me is against me, and whoever does not gather with me scatter. He says that anywhere in the word, where men and women do not live and fight – fighting not in the sense of waging a war - passionately for true freedom, justice and wisdom, is where the Evil’s kingdom is being built and disseminated with the only purpose to destroy.  With these words Jesus says that anywhere in the world where, beyond all beliefs, religion, ideology, people live and fight passionately for true freedom, justice,  and wisdom is where the Kingdom of God is being built.
Everything that is built according to the energy and the procedure of the Kingdom of God will never be lost or destroyed, and anything that is built with Satan’s energies and procedures will be turned into dust and ashes. Life is asking us now as never before to choose what side we want to fight on. The choice is not up to the powerful ones on earth but to peoples and the individuals.