It does not matter
It is foolish to be concerned about our clothing, and not about the thoughts with which we dress our mind.
It is foolish to be able to count how many things we own and not to be able to count the things that we can abandon in order to be freer and lighter.
It is foolish to worry about people's judgement and not to listen if our heart is happy or not.
It is foolish to try to present an appropriate behavior in every circumstance so that others do not think ill of us, and then to be unconcerned about thinking ill of God.
It is foolish to try to gain space in people's hearts, when we ourselves do not know how to give space and love to ourselves and God.
It is foolish to be interested in the form, if there is no content; to take care of our outer appearance if the inner dialogue is annoyed or angry; to take care of the appearance and exteriority, if unhappiness rules within.
It is foolish to ask Jesus to wash His hands, to wash the cutlery and glasses, when we should go through life asking Him to wash us and our hearts from all evil, from all injustice, envy, greed, possessiveness, ambition, conflicts that poison our lives.
It is foolish to ask men to obey men's laws when the heart does not respect and love the law of love.
It is foolish to try to fix outside what we cannot fix inside.
It is wise to learn to give of ourselves without expecting anything in return simply for the love of love and for the love of God's name because this purifies everything and everyone.
To heal wounds, we must first clean them. To cure man, we must first let ourselves be purified from within, and only the love we can give, the love that starts from within, not the one that we expect to come from the outside, has the spiritual power to perfectly disinfect humanity.