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Mercoledì 2 Ottobre 2024

The Guardian Angels

Word for today
The Gospel of Matthew 18:1-5.10

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God stakes everything on what is little. The Evil stakes everything on what is great. God stakes everything on what is humble, the Evil one stakes everythingon what is powerful, domineering, showy.
God stakes everything what is really useful and what is really effective and humbly serves life; the Evil one stakes everything on what is momentarily satisfying, on what he can enslave and dominate in view of being served. The kingdom of God belongs to the little ones, the dominion of the Evil one belongs to those who consider themselves want to be considered powerful by others. God has staked everything on meaning and honor, while the Evil one has staked everything on position and prestige. God has staked everything on what unites and leads to unity, the Evil one has staked everything on what conforms, flattens, assimilates, divides and separates. God has staked everything on what bears fruit is committed to the welfare of all, the Evil one has staked everything on what provides profit and domination for a few to the detriment of the majority. God has staked everything on compassion and mercy, the Evil one has staked everything on morality, law, judgment, guilt, condemnation. God has staked everything on beauty, the Evil one has staked everything on image. God has staked everything on love, the Evil One has staked everything on money. God has staked everything on His Son Jesus, meek and humble of heart, to save mankind; the Evil One has staked everything on religion, created by man in God's name as a means to harass, subdue, and destroy man. God has staked everything on life, the Evil one has staked everything on death. God has staked everything on freeing men through His freedom, the Evil one has staked everything on dominating men  using his slavery. God has staked everything on each person's uniqueness and on wonderful diversity. The Evil One has staked everything on inciting us be the first among all and the deadly standardization of everyone and everything. God has staked everything on the little ones, about whom Jesus says: See that you do not despise one of these little ones, for I say to you that their angels in heaven always look upon the face of my heavenly Father. The Evil one has staked everything on the great and powerful in the world because they are always at his and his fallen angels' service.
God has staked everything on the fact that none and nothing of His creation can be lost, the Evil one has staked everything on causing all creation and every child of God to be lost and destroyed. And who are we staking everything on?