Questa sezione presenta quotidianamente il Vangelo del Giorno accompagnato da una riflessione, insieme all'antifona e al Salmo corrispondente, che in alcuni particolari periodi dell’anno liturgico potranno essere musicati e cantati. Ogni giorno potrai vivere la Parola, leggerne il commento e scaricare tutto in formato PDF dalla sezione sinistra del sito.

Venerdì 25 Ottobre 2024

Twenty-ninth Week in Ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Luke 12:54-59


Jesus is seems quite surprised in seeing that the men and women of this generation do not seem to be able to judge for themselves the time they are living. They do not seem to be able to recognize the amazing beauty and importance of the time God gave to humanity to meet Jesus, God’s Son, and to know His message, containing all the procedures for a full, peaceful, healthful and joyous life. Jesus clarifies, in no uncertain terms, that this generation is living a unique and very particular time of human history. Jesus explains that starting from this time, this humanity visited by God, in Jesus His Son, has the unique and extraordinary chance to be reawakened through the wisdom of the evangelical procedures and, at the same time is responsible for its own choices. But what is preventing this generation from rationally and intelligently evaluating the importance of the time it is living? Jesus gives a very precise name to the psycho-spiritual behavior that does not allow us to understand and rationally comprehend life, He says it forcefully in front of the men of this time: You hypocrites! You know how to interpret the appearance of the earth and the sky; why do you not know how to interpret the present time? Hypocrisy is the psycho-spiritual orientation that prevents men and women from being aware, knowing, understanding, evaluating and comprehending life. Hypocrisy prevents any approach to knowledge, because it hides or ddisguises the four abysses in which man can fall into, causing loss of every intellectual capacity to evaluate and comprehend.  Hypocrisy always hides ignorance, conceit, prejudice, calculation, or all four of these psycho-spiritual behaviors together. Many men of this generation cannot comprehend and reasonably evaluate the gift of Jesus’ visit on earth, and the value of His life’s message, because they are intellectually emptied by a unbelievable ignorance. Many others cannot understand Jesus’ message because they are blinded by the darkness of their conceit, others do not want to understand because they are crystallized and paralyzed by their prejudice. The most dangerous men are those who pretend Jesus never existed, they do this in order to defend their glacial calculation, their evil plots, their poisonous interests: they have perfectly understood who Jesus is and have carefully analyzed what accepting His life's message would mean. Jesus shouts to them: Hypocrites, as if to remind them that their time has come to an end. The time of hypocrisy, of their skillful deceptions, their sinister plots, has come to an end. This is a time when humanity has to know the consequences of the fact that most of its children did not welcome or refused Jesus’ message, and therefore did not use it as winning technology to be happy and live in peace.
This is a time when humanity must acknowledge the implications linked to the fact that most of its children did not oppose Satan and his destructive plans, most did not choose God and His and his plan for life with decision and love. This is a time when humanity has to cope with the effects of the choices most of its children made by living only for ambition, personal profit and avidity. This a time when humanity, willing or not, has to look straight in the face the fruit, the result of the decision of most in non appreciating Jesus' visit on earth, and not embracing the gift of the pneumo-psycho-somatic technologies and knowledge to live happily and in peace that He revealed in His gospel.  This is a time when humanity, without any hypocrisy, must become attuned with the energies and powers of creation and of the Lord of all things so that it will not have to pay the consequences of its choices against life, love, justice, harmony, beauty and peace. The Lord of Life will not judge this generation; the powers of the universe will do it themselves. The powers of the heavens and the universe will show this generation exactly what kind of mortal and destructive energies to which and the price of not accepting the evangelical procedures for salvation and happiness.
Our planet trembling awaits humanities choices. If it will be of collective total love for Jesus and His message, then the earth will turn just the amount needed to re-align its axis and put it back in peace’s light. If man’s choice will be against Jesus and His message, then the earth will shake so much that it will open under the feet of this perverse and evil generation, not leaving any sign of it.