In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Friday 12 July 2024

Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Word for today
The Gospel of Matthew 10:16-23

Consequences of the mandate

Jesus offered His mandate, clearly and unequivocally, to the ones who wanted to be useful to His plans for humanity’s good, and He also taught the way the mandate has to be accomplished in order to grant God’s power and grace. The mandate is clear and Jesus’ words do not leave space for doubts or interpretations. And clear are the indication Jesus left to the disciples who will decide to commit themselves, with love and passion, to announce to the world His Word. Jesus did not only show with precision His mandate’s modalities, so that it could be accomplished according to God’s heart and not to man’s one, but also the way his disciples would have to cope with the power’s system and the world’s deception, so that their deeds could be really effective and powerful of God’s power. Jesus did not say that the world will welcome His disciples as ravenous wolves would welcome lambs, He rather said that He Himself chose and decided, wanted and wished His disciples to go to the world the way lambs would go towards ravenous wolves. From a purely rational point of view this is totally unacceptable and non understandable. Jesus warned His disciples that they could find in the world the same welcome lambs gets from ravenous wolves and that He decided to sent them as like sheep in the midst of wolves and, with seraphic and utter tranquility, invited them to be shrewd as serpents and simple as doves. He warned His friends that, if they offered their life to announce the evangelical procedures in His name, they will be handed over to tribunals, scourged in churches and by churches, brought before governors and kings. Very peacefully and in utter serenity Jesus inspired His friends and disciples to not get worried at all about what will happen to them, because the Paraclete Spirit will take care of everything, He will always defend and guide them with love and endeless wisdom. Jesus announced persecution as integral part of the mandate, almost as a necessary, inevitable one. A divine mandate which does not get persecuted in this world, is not a divine mandate. Jesus then announced something really new, He said that, even before the disciples evangelization work will be completed on earth, He will come back, He will indeed come back. During Jesus’ first visit on earth the church, the true and beautiful one, was fecundated and then born in the blood of an endeless number of martyrs. The second time Jesus will come, His intermediate visit, He will give birth to a new God’s people and end the fake and degenerated church which embraced and served power and wealth, the church which deceived and betrayed man and his divine mandate for centuries. Jesus’ intermediate visit will be preceded, as happened at the beginning, by a river of blood and an endeless number of new martyrs.