In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Wednesday 31 July 2024

Seventeenth Week in Ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Matthew 13:44-46

All for nothing

During their existence, people struggle to reach, to gain, to experience a little bit of pleasure for themselves. Every thought, word, and action is tied to this process and obsessive search. Everything in human life is committed in some way to the pursuit of pleasure. People do everything and anything for some kind of pleasure. Even war, destruction, anger, rage, hatred, possession stir in the human heart for the sake of some form of pleasure. All for pleasure. All for nothing.
Why? Because it is not a pleasure that the soul, the heart, the true essence of man - his true, divine inspired ego - seeks but a pleasure sought after by the ego, the substitute of our true self, which is hungry for ambition, and which we have built inside of ourselves to
comply with our indoctrination to meet other peoples' expectations. It is an illusory hypoenergetic pleasure which serves only to calm the dull sensation of emptiness just for a moment, to soothe the wounds for a few instants, to calm ancient, visceral challenges and rebellions for a few seconds; but it does not donate, involve, or lead to joy. This restless doing, doing everything for nothing and without true joy leads humanity into an immense ocean of sadness, a sadness that is breathed, chewed, touched and felt everywhere. The treasure that Jesus proposes is to use the Gospel as a guide to find unity within ourselves, love for ourselves, honor for that wonderful creative act that makes us God's beloved children, to find unity, love and honor toward God, toward others and with all living beings. That treasure gives unknown and wonderful pleasures, and it leads to joy, the joy that Jesus wants to pour on us in a plentiful yielding measure (literally translation of John 15:11), packed together, shaken down, and overflowing (Luke 6.38). Joy, which as Jesus Himself says, no one can ever take away from us.
Joy is not the treasure. But it is not a treasure if it does not give joy.