In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Monday 15 July 2024

Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Word for today
The Gospel of Matthew 10: 34 - 11.1


Jesus did not come to bring peace to the earth or at least what we or God considers
peace. Jesus uses no uncertain terms: ‘Do not think that I have come to bring peace
upon the earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword.’
come to set a man against his father...’ But doesn't this contradict His message of
peace and of unity? Evidently not. Jesus knows, as no one else, that there is a war
going on that is all the more terrible as it is unknown and invisible in the eyes of the
people. A massacre, a devastating, ignoble war is being waged from within the
individual which renders him/her weak and incapable of having a mature relationship
with God. But what is this war? Where is it being fought? It is being fought within the
walls of our homes within family relations with bullets of blackmail, remorse, and
umbilical cords. The children born on this earth are not raised according to divine
aspirations placed in each of His children but according to the pressures, habits,
traditions, and conventions of his/her/their family members and of the surrounding
environment. In this war, fought out of good faith, habit, tradition, or necessity, the
family takes the place of God and of his Word. Whoever takes the place of God is a
thief and an impostor, whatever the reason leading him/her to raise someone according
to other people’s expectations and not according to God's may be. That action is an
ignoble, perverse crime against humanity which is committed against the very dignity
of man. This is the war that Jesus came to fight and to win and until it is won there will
be no peace on the earth or between men. The family, parental relations, umbilical
cords have taken God's place. This is idolatry of the worst, most subtle kind because it
is crowned with a halo of holiness and nobility making it untouchable. Jesus warned
against this dangerous idolatry saying: “Whoever loves father or mother more than me
is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of
me.” Jesus thus revealed that it is our relationship with God that determines
everything about our entire life, not our relationship with other people, family members
included. It is the quality, the power, the intimacy of our relationship with God that
determines everything, absolutely everything about our life. The man who has a
stronger, more intimate and passionate relationship with his family rather than with
God will never succeed in fully living his/her life nor of giving him/herself freely to
others for the wellbeing of everyone. The man who subjects him/herself more to the
authority of umbilical cords than of God is incapable of life and of living. Man will not
And he added: ‘I have
know peace as long as he/she continues to live in this war of idolatry which forces the
new generations to raise children according to the authority and the expectations of the
morals and religiosity of the family and not according to the sacred will of God and the
gifts He has given and gives to each of His children. Whoever takes the place of God
and interposes him/herself between man and God is a thief and an impostor even if
society considers him/her a father, a mother, a brother, a teacher, a guide.
Jesus did not come to bring peace to the earth or at least what we or God considers
peace. Jesus uses no uncertain terms: ‘Do not think that I have come to bring peace
upon the earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword.’
come to set a man against his father...’ But doesn't this contradict His message of
peace and of unity? Evidently not. Jesus knows, as no one else, that there is a war
going on that is all the more terrible as it is unknown and invisible in the eyes of the
people. A massacre, a devastating, ignoble war is being waged from within the
individual which renders him/her weak and incapable of having a mature relationship
with God. But what is this war? Where is it being fought? It is being fought within the
walls of our homes within family relations with bullets of blackmail, remorse, and
umbilical cords. The children born on this earth are not raised according to divine
aspirations placed in each of His children but according to the pressures, habits,
traditions, and conventions of his/her/their family members and of the surrounding
environment. In this war, fought out of good faith, habit, tradition, or necessity, the
family takes the place of God and of his Word. Whoever takes the place of God is a
thief and an impostor, whatever the reason leading him/her to raise someone according
to other people’s expectations and not according to God's may be. That action is an
ignoble, perverse crime against humanity which is committed against the very dignity
of man. This is the war that Jesus came to fight and to win and until it is won there will
be no peace on the earth or between men. The family, parental relations, umbilical
cords have taken God's place. This is idolatry of the worst, most subtle kind because it
is crowned with a halo of holiness and nobility making it untouchable. Jesus warned
against this dangerous idolatry saying: “Whoever loves father or mother more than me
is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of
me.” Jesus thus revealed that it is our relationship with God that determines
everything about our entire life, not our relationship with other people, family members
included. It is the quality, the power, the intimacy of our relationship with God that
determines everything, absolutely everything about our life. The man who has a
stronger, more intimate and passionate relationship with his family rather than with
God will never succeed in fully living his/her life nor of giving him/herself freely to
others for the wellbeing of everyone. The man who subjects him/herself more to the
authority of umbilical cords than of God is incapable of life and of living. Man will not
And he added: ‘I have
know peace as long as he/she continues to live in this war of idolatry which forces the
new generations to raise children according to the authority and the expectations of the
morals and religiosity of the family and not according to the sacred will of God and the
gifts He has given and gives to each of His children. Whoever takes the place of God
and interposes him/herself between man and God is a thief and an impostor even if
society considers him/her a father, a mother, a brother, a teacher, a guide.
Jesus did not come to bring peace to the earth or at least what we or God considers
peace. Jesus uses no uncertain terms: ‘Do not think that I have come to bring peace
upon the earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword.’
come to set a man against his father...’ But doesn't this contradict His message of
peace and of unity? Evidently not. Jesus knows, as no one else, that there is a war
going on that is all the more terrible as it is unknown and invisible in the eyes of the
people. A massacre, a devastating, ignoble war is being waged from within the
individual which renders him/her weak and incapable of having a mature relationship
with God. But what is this war? Where is it being fought? It is being fought within the
walls of our homes within family relations with bullets of blackmail, remorse, and
umbilical cords. The children born on this earth are not raised according to divine
aspirations placed in each of His children but according to the pressures, habits,
traditions, and conventions of his/her/their family members and of the surrounding
environment. In this war, fought out of good faith, habit, tradition, or necessity, the
family takes the place of God and of his Word. Whoever takes the place of God is a
thief and an impostor, whatever the reason leading him/her to raise someone according
to other people’s expectations and not according to God's may be. That action is an
ignoble, perverse crime against humanity which is committed against the very dignity
of man. This is the war that Jesus came to fight and to win and until it is won there will
be no peace on the earth or between men. The family, parental relations, umbilical
cords have taken God's place. This is idolatry of the worst, most subtle kind because it
is crowned with a halo of holiness and nobility making it untouchable. Jesus warned
against this dangerous idolatry saying: “Whoever loves father or mother more than me
is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of
me.” Jesus thus revealed that it is our relationship with God that determines
everything about our entire life, not our relationship with other people, family members
included. It is the quality, the power, the intimacy of our relationship with God that
determines everything, absolutely everything about our life. The man who has a
stronger, more intimate and passionate relationship with his family rather than with
God will never succeed in fully living his/her life nor of giving him/herself freely to
others for the wellbeing of everyone. The man who subjects him/herself more to the
authority of umbilical cords than of God is incapable of life and of living. Man will not
And he added: ‘I have
know peace as long as he/she continues to live in this war of idolatry which forces the
new generations to raise children according to the authority and the expectations of the
morals and religiosity of the family and not according to the sacred will of God and the
gifts He has given and gives to each of His children. Whoever takes the place of God
and interposes him/herself between man and God is a thief and an impostor even if
society considers him/her a father, a mother, a brother, a teacher, a guide.

Jesus did not come to bring peace to the earth or at least what we or God considers peace. Jesus uses no uncertain terms: Do not think that I have come to bring peace upon the earth. I have come to bring not peace but the sword. And he added: I have come to set a man against his father. But doesn't this contradict His message of peace and of unity? Evidently not. Jesus knows, as no one else, that there is a war going on that is all the more terrible as it is unknown and invisible in the eyes of the people. A massacre, a devastating, ignoble war is being waged from within the individual which renders him/her weak and incapable of having a mature relationship
with God. But what is this war? Where is it being fought? It is being fought within the walls of our homes within family relations with bullets of blackmail, remorse, and
umbilical cords. The children born on this earth are not raised according to divine aspirations placed in each of His children but according to the pressures, habits,
traditions, and conventions of his/her/their family members and of the surrounding environment. In this war, fought out of good faith, habit, tradition, or necessity, the
family takes the place of God and of his Word. Whoever takes the place of God is a thief and an impostor, whatever the reason leading him/her to raise someone according to other people’s expectations and not according to God's may be. That action is an ignoble, perverse crime against humanity which is committed against the very dignity of man. This is the war that Jesus came to fight and to win and until it is won there will be no peace on the earth or between men. The family, parental relations, umbilical cords have taken God's place. This is idolatry of the worst, most subtle kind because it is crowned with a halo of holiness and nobility making it untouchable. Jesus warned against this dangerous idolatry saying: Whoever loves father or mother more than me is not worthy of me, and whoever loves son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me. Jesus thus revealed that it is our relationship with God that determines everything about our entire life, not our relationship with other people, family members included. It is the quality, the power, the intimacy of our relationship with God that determines everything, absolutely everything about our life. The man who has a stronger, more intimate and passionate relationship with his family rather than with God will never succeed in fully living his/her life nor of giving him/herself freely to others for the wellbeing of everyone. The man who subjects him/herself more to the authority of umbilical cords than of God is incapable of life and of living. Man will not know peace as long as he/she continues to live in this war of idolatry which forces the new generations to raise children according to the authority and the expectations of the morals and religiosity of the family and not according to the sacred will of God and the gifts He has given and gives to each of His children. Whoever takes the place of God and interposes him/herself between man and God is a thief and an impostor even if society considers him/her a father, a mother, a brother, a teacher, a guide.