In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Thursday 18 July 2024

Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Matthew 11:28-30


It is Jesus' loving and touching invitation to go with Him, to let us be guided by Him, after having searched and asked everywhere, after having followed false and evanescent goals and ends, surrendering ourselves to thousands of lords and masters and gaining only infinite exhaustion and any sort of oppression, humiliation, suffering and slavery.
It is Jesus' loving and touching invitation to those who, after having lost themselves anywhere in search of happiness, peace well-being, health, and after having consigned all their lives and resources, full of hope and expectations, to those who have given nothing but have taken all from them, are now exhausted and oppressed in their mind, body and spirit. 
It is Jesus' loving and touching invitation to all of us who, totally disconnected from God and from ourselves, have relied on anyone to get some kind of security, power, importance, losing our honor, dignity, freedom, nobility and strength. It is Jesus' loving and touching to take upon our shoulders his easy yoke, in Greek zugòs chrestòs. Zugòs chrestòs does not mean easy yoke but, more literally, "a tie-bond [zugòs] useful-essential-always handy [chrestòs]." Jesus invites us to bind ourselves to him with the indispensable-useful bond of love, because only by doing so can we get all the best we wish, and  much more than this. It is Jesus' loving and touching invitation to go with him after having dispelled all our energies and forces in the desperate search of light where there is deceit, love where there is possession, of  vital energies where there is only thirst for domain and robbery, because he is ready to offer repose and peace, energy and power to our mind, body and spirit. It is Jesus' loving and touching invitation to bind ourselves to him to learn from him that is gentle and humble of heart.
Come to me, literally come toward me, as "to" is the translation of the Greek pròs, expressing movement towards a place, which here indicates a continuous mental and spiritual movement towards Jesus. Therefore being humble means to be always, perfectly, consistently and peacefully  oriented, willing, headed towards God-Love, towards union and unity. Being humble is to be always oriented toward God and, no matter what happens or does not happen, never rebel against him.
Come to me is Jesus' loving and touching invitation to bind ourselves to him, so as to learn from him who is humble of heart, humble inside. A humble person, in evangelical sense, is one who recognizes the source of the whole creation and is always, deeply grateful. Humble is the one who always knows that everything, always, comes from God's hands as a gift and chance of love and peace. Come to me is Jesus' sweetest and moving  invitation for all those who are weary of being tired and oppressed, of not having resources and well-being, peace and joy, health and harmony and want to enjoy God' repose and happiness.