In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Friday 19 July 2024

Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Matthew 12:1-8

The process

The law, even before generating processes, is itself a process, a well-defined process, the process that generates death. The vibrations of the law generate  judgment. The vibrations of judgment generate duty. The vibrations of duty generate constriction. The vibrations of constriction generate imposition. The vibrations of imposition generate training. The vibrations of training generate slavery. The vibrations of slavery cause the death of one's sense of perception, the death of love and of life. The law, with its vibrations, crystallizes the brain. Judgment, with its vibrations, poisons intelligence. Duty with its vibrations extinguishes love. Imposition, with its vibrations, calcifies the pineal gland and prevents the development of all knowledge, transforming knowledge into bias. Constriction, with its vibrations, makes man deaf and dumb, it suppresses man's spirit and makes him deaf to the Spirit Paraclete. Slavery, with its vibrations, destroys man's freedom  and prevents him from love. Without love, man completely loses his autonomy and suppresses the growth of every harmonious and cooperative independence. The process of the law burns out every human creativity, destroys his sensitivity, clears out his courage, disintegrates his dignity, smashing every union and unity, nullifies his desires, suppresses his dreams, sterilizes his passion, wakens his enthusiasm, disintegrates his autonomy and independence. The law does not care about anyone, because it has no heart. 
The law does not feel concern for anyone, because the law is no one. Even when it seems to serve man, the law is always against man, because the law does not require love, indeed it is ashamed of love. Jesus inspires man to build his life not on the deadly process of law, but on the vital process of love-mercy, in Greek èleos. Èleos etymologically means "all that  cuts, rips the soul" – in the ancient epic language it means "dinner table, cutting board, desk" – then "mercy, compassion, what inspires love sharing." The ancient Semitic root of the word Èleos means "cry, to utter a shout from one's visceral mercy." It corresponds to the Hebrew chèsed, which is precisely one of  God's attributes. Chèsed is "love, favor, grace, kindness," chèsed is the visceral way in which God loves his children. In the Bible this term is translated both as "compassion, tender affection, mercy" and as "fidelity, deep emotion, wonderful gestures of kindness." Èleos does not mean piety, but kindness without planning, calculating, it is benevolent grace poured without limits. Èleos indicates the constant God's attitude who never feels pity for man, but loves him completely, favors him in everything, always, regardless of man's response and circumstance. Èleos is God's mercy.
To choose mercy means to choose what God wants and desires, as he himself says (v. 6) It is mercy  I desire mercy, not sacrifice. To choose what God desires is to choose the procedure of life, health, happiness, peace, to choose a kind of mercy similar to God's one, beforehand and without conditions.
The process-procedure of the law is always  process-judgment-charge against humanity and it always forces man to opposition, conflict, war up to self-destruction. The process-procedure of mercy and love is process-growth-evolution which leads man to unity and sharing, towards a wonderful new full development in God's Light.
The choice is up to us.