In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Saturday 13 July 2024

Fourteenth Week in Ordinary Time

Word for today
The Gospel of Matthew 10:24-33

The appearances’ group

Jesus warns us about who are the true persecutor of the good, God’s and humanity’s enemies, the enemies of the gospel: they are the ones who love, favour and choose appearances as the priority in their life in order to maintain power and prestige.  To live completely at the service of the appearances’ world in the name of prestige and power, and to get to their goals, the appearances’ men has to absolutely, consciously or not, wire their mind’s circuits so the they can necrotize any possible conceptualization and true vision of reality, through denying the evidence, any evidence, refusing, for bias, any intellectual honesty. Who lives only for appearances, for the sake of their own interests and projects, cannot, not even for a second, withdraw from the first and most imperative of his commitments: denying the evidence always and no matter what. Two thousands year ago, the appearances’ group managed to define Jesus, who is the earth’s lord, as Beelzebub, the demons’ lord, and so this group will continue to treat, throughout human history, all those who, with love, desire to belong to Jesus’ family, His disciples and friends. Jesus recalls His friends that the group of appearances, the men who hide their rapine’s and dominion’s projects behind the masks of demeanour, respectability, prestige and officiality, whether they know it or not, are working hard to persuade people to think that God is Satan, God is the enemy, while Satan is God, Satan is man’s friend.  The appearances’ man, denying the evidence as a priority, subverted the plans, convinced people to believe that good is evil and evil is good. They persuaded man’s mind that killing people in war in the name of a flag is heroic, that torturing human being to save and honour true faith is holiness, that slaughtering people’s freedom and enslave them, in the name of an elusive national safety, is democracy, that using the media to defame and slander is information. Jesus warns that the appearances’ group will always work in any way it can to persuade people to believe that whoever really serve love, justice, true wellbeing for everybody, is a servant of the evil, an enemy of progress, a foe of humanity: this way the appearances group will always be able, quietly and unpunished, frighten, destroy, eliminate and kill the servants of love.
Jesus inspires His friends to never stop announcing His words, His evangelical procedure for the happiness of man’s life, for fear of the appearances’ group. Jesus invites his friends not to renounce for any reason to spread and reveal the evangelical procedures to humanity, to announce them openly, talking about them loudly in squares and terraces, so that they will not remain hidden by the power and therefore not available for all peoples’ wellbeing. Jesus invites his disciples to not be afraid of the appearances’ group’s power, because even though they will have the chance and the strength to kill the body and generate sufferance and humiliation for God’s children, they will not be able in any way to strike their inner immortal spiritual being. Jesus warns then that the appearances’ group, which for its interests and luxuries denied, always and no matter what, the evidence, justice, freedom, truth, life, consciously or not has always denied and misunderstood God. One day God Himself will have to deny them their belonging to the endless kingdom, because, denying God, the appearances’ men denied themselves, making themselves unrecognizable by life and God. Jesus explained it this way: Everyone who acknowledges me before others I will acknowledge before my heavenly Father. But whoever denies me before others, I will deny before my heavenly Father.