In this section you can find a daily commentary on the Gospel of the Day.

Wednesday 17 July 2024

Fifteenth Week in Ordinary Time
Word for today
The Gospel of Matthew 11:25-27


They are blind because God willed it so. The learned and clever of the world are blind by God's will. Therefore, becoming learned and clever to the eyes of the world, according to its intellectual system, means to prevent our mind and intelligence from the true knowledge of God's wisdom and of the procedures which regulate life.
God loves to reveal His wisdom to the merest ones, not because they are cleverer or with more powerful speculative skills than the learned, but simply because they use their mind in a completely different way, and this distinctive feature allows them to be truly clever and wise. In God's view, the merest ones make use of their intelligence to read life and the creation, to see the existing universal connections among all things, to contemplate the beauty, the perfection, the functioning of all existence to the benefit of all mankind. The merest ones use their intelligence to humbly read the loving net which connects everything, the natural laws and the instructions for use, to recognize the divine origin of all creation and thus offer praise to God the Creator's name in perfect joy and gratitude. On the contrary, the clever and learned of the world use their intelligence to write. They use their mental skills in order to revise and re-write life and nature, to write their new creations to their own benefit, to write new instructions for use, a new user manual about  everything, as if life were something wrong, imperfect, faulty.
The learned and the clever do not use their intelligence to read life,  but to re-write it .
They use their intellectual skills under the narcotic effect of arrogance and pride, they do not have the humility to read Perfection and Love, to recognize its wonderfulness. The learned and the clever of the world, as they use their intelligence in such a foolish way, are blind because God willed it so, and the time they spend in speculating on life is simply wasted and lost forever.
Therefore, those who listen to the clever and learned of the world and regard them as their cultural and intellectual referees, waste their time as well.
Taking the knowledge of the learned and clever of the world as the only cultural and scientific reference framework is not only wasted time, but it also causes pain, suffering, unhappiness, disease and death to millions of people all around the world. How could those whose intelligence is blocked by God's will, due to their arrogant and foolish misuse of such a gift, develop a science and knowledge truly useful, effective and fit for humanity? How could they offer solutions truly reliable and effective for man's life? How could this arrogant and foolish way of using human intelligence provide systems and solutions for an effectual  use of the earthly resources? How can it provide right procedures for the building  up of cities, for nutrition, for transport systems? Can it provide correct strategies to tackle diseases, psychic problems, sufferings and pain? Could the learned and the clever be able to guide humanity towards real progress and well-being for all men and the whole man? Jesus's answer expresses a joyful, amazed, deep gratitude to His Father's will: Father, Lord of Heaven and earth, to you I offer praise; for what you have hidden from the learned and the clever you have revealed to the merest children. Father, it is true. You have graciously willed it so.